About Me
Layout by CoolChaserIn life we are faced with many obstacles and difficult situations. however, it’s not about what happens; rather it’s all about how one handles them. M-L was forced to be a leader right off the bat. with the death of two of his closest family members early in his childhood,M-L began to ponder about death and the afterlife; while kids his age played with g.i. joes and remote control cars. the one thing that is certain in life is death. unfortunately, for M-L, these harsh realities made him mature quite faster than the other youth of his generation. growing up in any inner-city isn’t a candy-coated love affair. especially in the nations capital—washington d.c.—may be the place where politicians meet and great, but on those dark weary streets behind the news cameras is where ruthless activities take place. M-L was born in 1987, his time while growing up in the 90’s was reality t.v.—before it was ever thought of by any producer. a product of his environment, M-L had to be tough to survive.M-L found little pleasure in hanging around guys his age, so when you wanted to find M-L, you had to look for the older dudes in the neighborhood because 10 times out of 10 he was running with them. then sports came into play, basketball and football jumped out at young M-L. throughout elementary and middle school, M-L used sports as an outlet instead of running the streets. however, during his middle school years M-L developed another interest—go-go-music—which is one of d.c.’s original cultures that is beginning to find its sound in mainstream music. M-L and a couple of other friends came together to create their own band named, major league. the group found early success in the d.c. area; unfortunately the group took a devastating blow with the death of one of its key members. transitioning into high school, M-L continued to play basketball, however, by the tenth grade his hoop dreams had come to an end. another go-go-band was created near the end of his high school career, but the band didn’t flourish into much. fresh out of high school, M-L traveled down the collegiate road; in a short time he followed the detour sign that pointed to rap. rap wasn’t new for M-L, obviously, it shared its similarities with go-go-music, but M-L found something in rap that he could not find in go-go-music. with rap, M-L was able to portray how he felt at that given moment: he could tell a story, explain the love he had for someone or something, or disseminate a message to his peers. instead of being a student of the books, M-L became a student of the music industry. linking up with dream life entertainment, M-L was shown the ropes of the music business. some things he liked, many things he disliked, however, he took everything with a grain of salt, remembering from his childhood years of running the streets that everything you go through is a learning experience. when his stint with dream life came to an end, M-L was stuck at a crossroad—school or music—he decided to give school one more shot, but for M-L the shot backfired. he couldn’t stop thinking about music and one day sitting in his own studio doing his own thing. next thing you know, school is out of the picture, M-L, currency boyz is on the horizon. many argue hip-hop is dead, M-L would vehemently disagree, hip-hop isn’t dead. dead are his loved one’s that are no longer here with him. hip-hop is alive, it’s not dead, for death has no life, the lyrics that come from his heart, through his mind, and out of his mouth are far from dead. if anything, M-L strives to speak life into something, how could he do that through something that is dead? hip-hop is alive it just needs a new ventriloquist. we love all of you so much we been grinding so hard latelty and the love that you been giving us keeps us going and we need that to our realest fans who argue for us go that extra mile for us we really apperciate that thank you.M-L Lounge
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