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Listen to Yuli Turovsky introduces IMM new CD and remembers D.Shostakovich :

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I Musici de Montréal Chamber Orchestra 25 years of passion!

Founded by 'cellist and conductor Yuli Turovsky, I Musici de Montréal has developed a well-deserved reputation as one of the world's finest chamber orchestras. Known for its gutsy, passionate music-making, I Musici de Montreal presents imaginative programs that draw on repertoire spanning the centuries. Performing in some of the greatest halls including New York's Lincoln Center, Kioi Hall in Tokyo, Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. and the Conservatoire de Musique in Luxembourg - The orchestra presents a busy schedule of over 100 concerts per season throughout the world including three prestigious series in Montreal .Fanfare magazine recently added its voice to the chorus of praise when it named I Musici de Montreal "one of the best chamber orchestras in North America." Since it was founded in 1983, the orchestra's more than forty five recordings have been distributed in 50 countries around the world and has been awarded many honors, including "Best Chamber Ensemble of the Year" and"Best recording of the year "from Canadian Council of Music, the coveted award of a Penguin Guide "Rosette", a "Diapason d'Or " , "Félix" "Juno" and "Opus "Awards to name but a few. I Musici de Montréal was also awarded the Grand Prix des Arts by the Montreal Urban Community for their exceptional contribution to music presentation in and around Montreal. Public enthusiasm and critical acclaim underlining the precision, cohesion and virtuosity of their performance as well as the brilliant and distinctive sound of the orchestra confirm I Musici de Montréal's importance on the world's musical stage.
I Musici de Montréal, 25 ans de passion

Fondé et dirigé par le chef d'orchestre et violoncelliste Yuli Turovsky, I Musici de Montréal est un orchestre de chambre permanent de 15 musiciens dont le vaste répertoire s'étend de la musique baroque à la musique contemporaine. Ensemble prolifique, le rayonnement d'I Musici de Montréal à l'étranger est remarquable, avec plus de 100 concerts par année de par le monde. Une impressionnante feuille de route qui classe I Musici parmi les plus grands orchestres de tournées au Canada.

Sous la direction fougueuse et inspirée de Yuli Turovsky, comme chef ou comme soliste, I Musici de Montréal a joué dans les grandes salles du monde : le Lincoln Center à New York, le Palais des Beaux-Arts à Bruxelles, le Seiji Ozawa Hall à Tanglewood, la Gewandhaus à Leipzig, le Kioi Hall à Tokyo, la Tonhalle à Zürich, la Sala Mozart à Zaragoza et le Victoria Hall à Genève, entre autres. L'enthousiasme du public et l'éloge de la critique qui soulignent la précision, la virtuosité et le haut niveau d'excellence de l'Orchestre confirment la place considérable qu'occupe I Musici de Montréal, autant sur la scène musicale nationale qu'internationale.

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Yuli Turovsky
cellist and conductor
"He could make me happy just by playing scales!" The San Antonio Star

Born in Moscow, Yuli Turovsky's musical awakening began early. By the age of 7, he was seriously committed to the study of the 'cello. He entered the celebrated Tchaikovsky Conservatory where he had the honor to study with the renowned Galina Kozulupova and in 1969 received First Prize in the USSR 'Cello Competition. The following year he was among the laureates of the 22nd Prague Spring International Competition. His studies completed, he began the first of many tours around the world as a member of the Moscow Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Rudolph Barshai.

After immigrating to Canada and establishing himself in Montreal, Mr. Turovsky carried on a brilliant musical career as a soloist; as a member of the Turovsky Duo with his wife Eleonora; and as a founding member of the Borodin Trio, with whom he performed until 1993.
The quality of his performances has made him an audience favorite. The symphony orchestras of Detroit, Montreal, Chicago, Athens, Jerusalem and Stockholm welcome him as a soloist and he continues to record with companies such as Melodya, CBS, SRC, Chandos and Analekta – counting 82 LP's and CDs to date.
In 1983, Mr. Turovsky created I Musici de Montréal Chamber Orchestra, an ensemble of 15 strings with a repertoire extending from the baroque to the contemporary. Performing over 100 concerts per year in Canada, the United States, and throughout the world, I Musici de Montreal has become one of Canada's most important orchestras
In spite of his formidable schedule, Yuli Turovsky continues to teach on the music faculty at the University of Montreal, where he has helped to form a generation of 'cellists .

"Electrifying cellist" The Chicago Tribune
"Turovsky, a man of high passion" The Gazette, Montreal
"a cellist who plays like a one-man orchestra" The San Francisco Chronicle

Yuli Turovsky

« Yuli Turovsky possède une virtuosité suprême, hors catégorie », Tageblatt, Luxembourg
Le violoncelliste et chef d'orchestre Yuli Turovsky est l'une des figures les plus importantes de notre panorama musical et sa contribution au monde de la musique classique est exceptionnelle. Né à Moscou, Yuli Turovsky a participé à de nombreuses tournées à travers le monde, en tant que membre et soliste de l'Orchestre de chambre de Moscou, sous la direction de Rudolph Barchai. Devenue citoyen canadien et établit à Montréal, Yuli Turovsky poursuit une brillante carrière d'instrumentiste, à la fois comme soliste et comme membre du Duo Turovsky, avec son épouse, la violoniste Eleonora Turovsky.Il est aussi membre du Trio Borodine qu'il a fondé en 1977 et auquel il restera lié jusqu'en 1993. Plusieurs grands orchestres le courtisent à titre de soliste invité. On l'acclame à Montréal, à Détroit, à Chicago, à Cleveland, à Paris, à Dresden, à Athènes, à Jérusalem, à Paris et à Stockholm. En 1983, il fonde l'Orchestre de chambre I Musici de Montréal. Ensemble prolifique, le rayonnement d'I Musici de Montréal à l'étranger est remarquable, avec plus de 100 concerts par année de par le monde. Une impressionnante feuille de route qui classe I Musici parmi les plus importants orchestres de chambre des Amériques.

Outre ses concerts, Yuli Turovsky a participé à l'enregistrement de plus de 82 disques pour les labels Melodia, CBS, SRC et Chandos, tant comme soliste, que chambriste ou que chef . Yuli Turovsky enseigne depuis plusieurs années à la Faculté de musique de l'Université de Montréal, où il a formé toute une génération renommée de violoncellistes

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"Turovsky and I Musici de Montreal are passionate musicians, and they go right to music's guts. "
Washington post
"The Incredible String Band"
The Independent, London
"I Musici de Montréal is a decided virtuoso group"
South China Morning Post, Hong-Kong
"If every orchestra made its music this accessible, there would be a lot more young people attending classical concerts."
WildLife ,Florida Pimp My Profile

D. Shostakovich - Prelude & Scherzo, op.11
Modest Mussorgsky - Picture at an Exhibition (choreographed paintings) excerpt
Béla Bartok - Music for strings, percussion and celesta



PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION (Choreographed paintings)

IMM Blog



My Interests


Member Since: 8/7/2008
Band Website: http://www.imusici.com
Band Members: Yuli Turovky
artistic director ,conductor

Violon Solo :
Eleonora Turovsky

Denis Béliveau,
Madeleine Messier,
Françoise Morin-Lyons,
Christian Prévost,
Catherine Sansfaçon-Bolduc,
Julie Triquet,
Natasha Turovsky,
Li Zhe

Anne Beaudry,
Suzanne Careau,
Jacques Proulx

Alain Aubut,
Timothy Bruce Halliday

Doublebass/Contrebasse :
Costantino Greco.

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Chandos & Analekta
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Hot Coals  Hot Keys / Charbons ardents  touches de feu

.. (Résumé in English follows) Charbons ardents  touches de feuSoliste invité: Richard RaymondJeudi 18 décembre 200820 hSalle Pollack Montréal, le 3 décembre 2008  Maestro ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 20:44:00 GMT

In the beginning .... / Au commencement ...

Au commencement...Mercredi 5 novembre 2008, 20 hSalle de concert Pollack, 555, rue Sherbrooke OuestHandel et Chostakovitch ont dès les débuts fait partie des succès dI Musici. Mæstro Turovky, qui a c...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 20:49:00 GMT

I MUSICI DE MONTREAL Spectacular anniversary launch with Cantata Criolla ,Dragoncello,and ...

I MUSICI   DE  MONTREALSpectacular anniversary launch Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 8 PMThéâtre Maisonneuve, Place des Arts Montréal, September 9, 2008  The 25th season of I M...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 19:10:00 GMT

Composer Paul Desenne on Art & Fine Living with Jona Sept 7, 2008

Composer Paul Desenne on Art & Fine Living with Jona Sept 7, 2008 By Jona RapoportSeptember 3, 2008Venezuelan composer Paul Desenne's new work, Dragoncello for 6 cellos and orchestra, will see i...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 15:00:00 GMT

A word from the artistic director Yuli Turovsky

A word from the artistic director There was a big sale on conductors' batons at Patelson's  the music store next to Carnegie Hall in New York. They were seven dollars a piece. I thought it was a goo...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 00:42:00 GMT

IMM 2008-2009 Season

..TR> Saison 2008-2009 25e anniversaire de l'Orchestre de chambre I Musici de Montréal Montréal, le 1 mai 2008  Fantaisiste et ludique, la 25e saison des Musici se drape de couleurs éc...
Posted by on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 00:40:00 GMT