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Kilo Charlie

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The best way to describe "ME" is to list a few of my favorite quotes...

"Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance"
"If you don't want shit on your cowboy boots, then don't waltz in a cow lot."
"It's better to have and not need, than to need and not have."
"Kill 'em all....let God sort 'em out."
"Care enough to send the very best...Airborne Rangers. When it absolutely, positively, has to be destroyed overnight."
"To err is human. To forgive, Devine. Neither, of which is U.S. Army policy."
"Aawlll I feeell when I kiiill is RECOIL!!!"
"Do unto others as others would do unto you. But, do unto others first - Hard. Fast. And, Continuously!"
"If I want anything out of you, I'll hunt you down and beat it out of you!!! Now...Un-ass my A.O.!!!" "Hey!...we were talking about you. Not to you!"
"Marines?!!! Marines?!!! We're Rangers!!! That means we're just Marines...with uglier uniforms and a budget!"
"...and on the 8th day, God created Rangers...and they've been tearing shit up ever since."
"I like you....You make me laugh...I think I'll kill you last ..."
"What is Best in life?!!! - To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!" "...I don't know, Sir. It was like that when I got here..."
"Rangers Lead The Way!"
"On the plains of hesitation, lie the blackened bones of countless millions, who at the dawn of victory sat down to rest, and resting they died"

Myspace Layouts at / Army Logo

My Interests

Priorities: God, Family, U.S.A.
My family - yep, the wife and kiddies - They ARE my world;
The Caulder (Calder) Scottish, geneological, history (circa 1100-1700 AD);
Tactical Carbine, Practical Pistol, & Tactical 3-Gun Matches (Trooper Class - anything else is for WIMPS) Military History, Tactics, & Theory;
Music (virtually anything but RAP, Funk, Opera, and Grunge);
Outdoors (hiking, camping, scrambling, rapelling, etc.);
Yard Work (mowing, edging, raking...the whole bit - and yes, I know I need serious pshycological evaluation. No need to bring it up);
Reloading (precision);
Needle point and making those little, tiney ships inside old Rum bottles (NOT!!!!)

I'd like to meet:

Jesus; George W. Bush; SGT. Leah-Ann Hester; David L. Garange; King David; General Omar Bradley; General Dwight D. Eisenhower; General Tommy Franks; General Collin Powell; John Wayne;....


Molly Hatchet; Ted Nugent; KISS; Keni Thomas & Cornbread; George Thorogood; Nazareth; UB-40; Enya; Judas Priest; Ozzy Osbourne; Katrina & the Waves; Journey; Stryper; Guns-N-Roses; Eagles; Stevie Ray Vaughn; Meat Loaf; and, Nick Nack & The Nine Nasty Nose Pickers.


Braveheart; Rambo; Hunt for Red October; Red Dawn; Blackhawk Down; Platoon; Full Metal Jacket; Armegedon; & Bridges of Madison County.


History Channel; Discover Channel; National Geographic; Law & Order; C.S.I.; Fox News; Home Shopping Network; & the Soap Opera Channel


The Holy Bible; The Five Fingers; Charlie Mike; To Live in Intrepidity; Gardens of Stone; A Sense of Honor; That was then, This is Now; &, How to Get A Great Deal on A Pair of Shoes.


R.C. "Bob" & Helen Thrailkill; Harold Ray & Momma Neil Scott; CSM Mariano R.C. Leon-Guerrero; William R. Scott; Leigh-Ann Hester...

My Blog

To All of my Enemies...Past, Present, and Future!!!

There is a novelty t-shirt that says, ''Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean THEY aren't watching me!'' Well, do you ever have the feeling that someone is watching you? That someone is watching your...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 08:03:00 PST

Christian Rangers Lead The Way!!! - A Poem

The Ultimate Ranger   Today, an armored angel briefed me as to why some Rangers never die."A scrolled believer doesnt fall-out, he is merely redeployed for Heavens side. He is handed Godly ...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 11:05:00 PST

Letter to Spec.-Ops. Brand Production Employees, 26 July 2004

In July of 2004, I fielded an emergency phone call from the 498th Medical Battalion, in Ft. Benning, Georgia.  They had been waiting for months for approval from higher up to purchase several hun...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:21:00 PST

Originally Posted 7 Dec 2005 - Pearl Harbor Day 2005

Originally posted on 7 December, 2005 Pearl Harbor Day 2005   On December 7, 1941 at approximately 8:00 a.m. (local Hawaiian time 1200 noon, CST), the United States was catapulted into an almost ...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 09:53:00 PST

9-11; Our Soldiers; & Our hypocritical politicians- Excerpts from Rush...

On 9-11;, Our Men and Women in Uniform; and our hypocritical politicians:   I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 tragedy and those who daily die servi...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 10:31:00 PST

I am a Bad American, or, The World According to Garp (I mean, KC)

I Am Your Worst Nightmare. I am a BAD American. I am a Christian, pro-gun, Conservative, Republican, gainfully employed, upwardly mobile, lower-middle class, Caucasian American of Scottish decent.I...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Wed, 31 May 2006 08:51:00 PST

Random thoughts about our soldiers, their sacrafices, & our daily role in the GWOT

Dear Friends: I don't often do anything like this, but this past Christmas Eve, I awoke in the middle of the night with what can only be described as an epiphany. Or, maybe it was some form of...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 12:09:00 PST

The story of Muriel Cawdor - The Campbell's kidnaped our Heiress

HistoryIn 1492, John, 7th Thane of Cawdor, married the daughter of Kilravock, Isabel Rose. He died in 1494 while Isabel was pregnant. Kilravock decided that his new born grand-daughter should marry hi...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Tue, 16 May 2006 07:33:00 PST


WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN 1964?   v    The United States steps up its involvement in Vietnam and begins bombing in North Vietnam v   Jimmy Hoffa gets 8 years in prison for J...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Sun, 14 May 2006 11:54:00 PST


YES, BY GOD, IM SCOTTISH!!!   Until Recently, due to a social situation that would make Days of our Lives & As The World Turns look like a Saturday morning, kids, cartoon (thats a whole othe...
Posted by Kilo Charlie on Sun, 14 May 2006 03:26:00 PST