Grocery shopping, Church, Photography, Ethnic cuisine, Simplicity, Winter, Simple acts of kindness, Baseball games, Things that involve Intellect, Airplane rides, Prestige, Chai tea, Witty Banter, Yardsales and Thrift Stores (FYI: Wed. is customer appreciation day at Salvation Army..50% off.) *Thus explaining why I appreciate frugality* And, the Zoo (Tuesday's are half off and the Botanical Garden is always free.)
how neat...---------------
My Wonderful Home Sweet Home!---------------This is the view from the balcony of the tallest building in the photo above...
I really like the song "Maneater" by Hall and Oats and the "Cheers" theme song by Gary Portnoy...."Sweet like candy to my soul, Sweet you Rock and Sweet you Roll."-DMB.
♥ ♥ ♥By the way, this music playlist is my new favorite thing. I realize I put about a million songs on it, but I love them all. Here goes...
Forrest Gump, It's a Wonderful Life, Funny Face, Pleasantville, The Sandlot, A League of Their Own, and home videos.
Funniest Home Videos is genius, Sex and the City, Travel Channel, documentaries on the History Channel, Food Network, I L♥ve Lucy, Glenn Beck (he's enthrallingly blunt.), early MadTv/SNL.
50 Boyfriends worse than yours(Justin Racz); Dear Lord, Please Give Me More Patience, Right Now.(Author Unavailable)
♥ Betty Crocker ♥ Anne Taintor ♥ Stacy London ♥ Jackie B.K. Onassis ♥ Cary Grant and Fred Astaire♥ ♥ ♥This is a clip from one of my favorite classic films, Funny Face. Their style is timeless and the cinematography is phenomenal..---------------