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when everything you say starts with Dear [insert someone's name], [insert snarky comment] Love, [som

About Me

"If you want the rainbow, you've gotta put up with the rain - do you know which philosopher said that? Dolly Parton. And people say she's just a big pair of tits. " - David Brent

My Interests

I like booze.

I'd like to meet:

Wayne LaFave Isn't it illegal to have a cool last name like LaFave and then have a totally bogus, 1940s name like Wayne? i would ask him what the fuck was wrong with his parents, and then I would ask him why his book is so ridiculous.I am also interested in meeting people with little beards and tight trousers.


Haven't seen many good movies recently, but a 1-5 list would look something like this: 1.When Harry Met Sally 2. Annie Hall 3. Royal Tennenbaums 4. Rushmore 5. Basically anything with Bill Murray in it...


Recent obsessions include, No Reservations with Anthony Bordain on the travel channel; Dancelife; TopChef on Bravo; Rome on HBO


One day I will read books again (instead of casebooks) and it will be glorious.


Right now my hero is Dana. For being SUCH a good friend, keeping in such close contact, talking me off a ledge on a daily basis, and being so funny it hurts. Awesome.

My Blog

Just vacuum under my feet

So I officially live at the library. I might put up some pictures at the desk I use, that way it will feel more homey, since I spend more time here than I do at home. I get home after Taylor has gone ...
Posted by Leah on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 06:32:00 PST


We had a mock exam in Civil Procedure today to help us prepare for the final in two weeks. During the exam someone's phone went off. The ring was the song "over my head" by the Fray. How apropos....
Posted by Leah on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST

And that's all I have to say about that

So this weekend was pretty mellow. Went to the Business Law Society Banquet on Friday night and spent many minutes kissing ass. I was convinced that I was going to get my summer job from someone; henc...
Posted by Leah on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 05:56:00 PST