This is one of my REAL profiles, I and I alone made EVERYTHING on this page and at, DON'T go there, I no longer control it or have access to it (DON'T trust ANYONE). (Mine and mine alone) website is coming soon, I still have some more HTML to learn first. I am not only my biggest fan, but also a self proclaimed genius (That's a joke (Incase you're humorly impaired). I make all types of animations, banners, icons, and videos, as long as they are psychedelic, I do all types of freelance work (Dirt cheap) and charitiable work for free aswell. Incase you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a big fan of psychedelics, but many other things aswell. I also enjoy misspelling words, teaseing small children, and tazering senior citizens, if you believe any part of this sentence besides the misspelling words part, YOU ARE A IDIOT, email someone else jackass.
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