Buffy†Single† profile picture


How do you like my darkness now?

About Me

My name is Buffy Anne Summers and i am 24 years old. I live in sunnydale, California. I live with my mom and sister, dawn. I'm really a normal girl , apart from that small thing. I'm a vampire slayer. My job is to rid the world of evil such as vampires, demons and so on. There is only one slayer in all the world at one time. When one dies, one gets chosen. Slayers have watchers who train and look after them. My watcher is called Giles and he's from England. He's more like a dad to me than a watcher. My best friends are willow and xander. Willow is a very powerful witch which comes in handy, but after her girlfriend tara died, willow turned to the dark arts in search of revenge and killed people. After that terryfying ordeal, she stays off magicks a little. Xander is my rigth hand man, even though he can't actually do anything. But he supports me through all my battles. I have fallen in love with two vamps since i've been the slayer. Ironic i know. The only guys i fall for are vamps and i'm meant to kill them.I fell in love with angel. he was a good vampire because he had a soul. a conscience. But due to a curse that gave him that soul, if he ever fely pleasure, he'd turn bad. he did once and it all ended with me having to kill him. so we decided it wouldn't work out and he left. he started his own organisation known as 'Angel Investigations' in L.A. we still keep in touch.A vampire named spike, who had always tried to kill me got a chip put in his head by a secret underground organisation known as 'the initiative' where they captured and experimented on demons. he fell in love with me when he started working on the side of good, but i didn't feel the same way.An agent who worked for the 'Initiative' Riley, stole my heart. But he decided he wanted to carry on with the military career and he left. After that, Spike started to pursue me more and we finally hooked up. Only for him to die when we were trying to save the world from the grandaddy of all evil known as the first.There's another thing you should know about me. My sister isn't real. she's a key. created to open all the gates to all dimensions everywhere. you'd think it's pretty cool huh? but the consequence is that in the process all dimensions will spill out onto earth, causing hell on earth..Literally. An evil god tried to track her down and open the gates so some monks changed the key into human form and sent it to me to protect. They built mine and everyone elses memories so that we thought she had always been there.My mom recently died of a brain tumour and now i look after my lil sis. My other friends are Cordy, Oz, tara, Anya, Fred, Gunn, Wesley, Kendra and faith.
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Which Buff Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Buffy! You are the Slayer! Your a
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don't let poeple get away without a fight. And
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My Interests

Hanging out at the bronze, hanging out with my sis and most importantly kicking demon butt!
Your Life in the Buffy Universe by Karen_Walker
Your Name
You are a
You work at
Your mentor is
Your current lover is
You were once engaged to
Tried to kill you
The new big bad
Your best friend
Your sidekick
Your best quote Add it up, it all spells duh.

Quiz created with MemeGen !

I'd like to meet:

Anyone really. I hate people who think they're 'it'. A little like Cordelia, i hate people like that. But with Cordelia, it was weird coz we actually ended up becoming friends.Show me some love....



Anything really. I go to the bronze a lot, so i like to dance.


I actually have a lot of favourite movies. I know what you guys are thinking. I'm the slayer. Don't have a life. Well i do. I love going to the movies. Another one of my favourite hotspots. That's if it's not crawling with vamps.


Sometimes i watch passions. And Dawn and I watch cartoons!


The only reading i do is research. and that's boring.I'm a more do now, think later type gal.


All the people in my life. Xander, Willow, Giles, Dawn, Tara, oz, Faith, Kendra, Anya, Wes, Fred, Gunn, Connor, Angel, Spike, Riley, Cordy, and of course my mom! RIP!