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Member Since: 05/08/2008
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Band Members: Germano é Bacharel em Composição e regência pelo Instituto de Artes Da UNESP-SP. Não se restrigindo somente a composições eruditas , ele também se adapta a compor músicas populares e comerciais Atuando também como professor num trabalho social. Atua em vários instrumentos: guitarra, violão, baixo , teclado , violino , sax soprano , harmônica, piano , canto , flauta doce e bateria.Germano is a multi-instumentist musician who loves improvise and make music whit free and intelectual feelings. He is natural from Araxá , state of Minas Gerais in Brazil He is Bacherol in composition by UNESP university in Brazil. Started in music whit the piano at eight years, guitar at 10 years ,eletric guitar at 16 years ,Recorder at 18 , vocal at 20 years , violin at 21 years , Drum at 22 years, Bass at 25 years and soprano sax at 34 years. He likes to see scales in mind and make harmonies whit your heart. Music is the art of freedom. Thanks for all the people who likes hear and play music.
Influences: hermeto Paschoal, JimiHendrix , Frank Zappa, Miltom Nascimento , Jean luc ponty, Beto Guedes ,Lô Borges, Pat metheny , Egberto Gismonti etc.....
Record Label: não-assinado

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