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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I know how it is when you're away at school: the focus on classes, figuring out what to do with your future, group projects, cramming for tests and finals, having a crazy social life, going to the gym, possibly playing for a school team or in an intramural league, perhaps fraternity or sorority events.... all while maybe holding down a job or two at the same time. If you're anything like me I'm certain the list above isn't in the proper priority-based order lol; but does it sound familiar? PLUS, as you get closer to graduation (some are there now, others WILL be one day in the not-too-distant future, unfortunately), one more thought starts to come to mind: "I owe HOW much money?!"
Hi there. My name is Dan, and I've been where you are now. I attended SUNY Geneseo in upstate NY, where I earned my BS in Biology and also a minor in Spanish in '03. While there I kept busy with schoolwork, working out, joining an a cappella group called The Southside Boys (check me out on the group's page in my top friends!), and having the time of my life with friends: intramurals, snowball fights, white water rafting in Letchworth State Park, trips to Canada where you didn't need a stupid passport, playing pranks on one another, partying, video games (Super Smash Bros. and Bond tourneys on N64 were huge back then lol)..... Feel free to go and verify my validity. Check out my a capella page and the pics on my personal page (the ones that are public) and you'll see that the folks in the pics are also on my top friends. It's good to be cautious online, and I'm not trying to scam anyone either (as you'll see, what I propose never costs you a dime, and I don't even ask for personal info... just your TIME). When satisfied, however, I ask you to read on.
So why am I telling you all of this? To show you that I was just like you. I was tens of thousands of dollars in debt when I graduated... the time of my life was behind me and I felt like I'd be spending the rest of my days trying to pay for it lol! I've worked as a personal trainer since '03; but the demand upstate for it (at least where I am) isn't enough to pay the bills; so I've made PTing my side job and worked a few others at the same time (including a nearly 2-year stint as a microbiologist). Call me crazy, but the prospects of putting in 55 hour weeks (work and commute) as a salaried employee in a management position when others are making MORE per hour working general staff positions at 40 hours/week and with 1/3 of the responsibilities is NOT the way I wanted to spend my life lol! Is THIS the dreaded "Real World?!"
So I started searching quite heavily for ways of making money online back in the fall of '06. My goal in life is to help myself by helping others. Not JUST because it makes me feel good to make life better for good people; but also because when helping your fellow man is your business, you'll never have to worry about it failing due to a lack of "customers." My ultimate business goal is to run my own online personal training site; to help people by empowering them with the knowledge necessary to change their physiques and live healthier lives. Over the past several months I've also developed the notion that empowering others to make their lives a little easier financially could help ME financially too. But HOW to do it?
The answer lies in the power of numbers. Nowadays if you take the time to scroll past all of the scams and schemes out there you can find a decent number of ways to make legitimate extra income online. For me, amongst the most exciting (due to their incredible ease and the power of numbers) are ones that involve a pyramid setup (NOT scheme ones though!). I say not a scheme because unlike the stereotypical pyramid SCHEMES they don't require new members' funds to provide revenue for the upline. In some of the newer models, we are all just helping one another to make some extra cash by providing a service (often times as simple as generating traffic for a site or using a new search engine service). That's right. I know it sounds too good to be true, but there ARE ways of making money online today simply for doing things that you already HAVE been doing! My goal is to teach as many who are willing to learn WHAT some of those opportunities are, and then help you (and myself) to make money doing it!
So what's the catch? and why aren't there millions of people doing this to make a living if it's so easy? Well, there IS no catch with the opps I'd propose! There's no money involved (outside of what you MAKE). I suppose the major reason why there aren't so many people using the systems to make some extra cash would have to include: 1) many simply aren't AWARE of them, 2) many mistakenly try and do it all alone and 3) many lack the patience to take the time to build up a network of folks who're all set on the same goal: to make money for themselves and others!
After reading the above, you're certainly now AWARE that such things exist (just don't know what they all are just yet lol). What if I were to offer you the chance to get around the biggest obstacle?.. that of building a downline? THIS is where most people fail in these ventures. What if I were to do it FOR you? All 100% FREE of any risk or monetary risk for you? Would you be willing to do something that you already DO, likely on a daily basis, multiple times a day anyway and get PAID for it?!
Folks, if you'd like to make some extra cash each month, be it to help you pay for school, to pay for a night on the town with your friends, put into your gas tank or even to put aside to collect some interest on it (fat chance lol!), all I ask of you are the following things: 1) read my blog which introduces one of a few of these easy money making opps that I've come across. Check it out thoroughly, looking for reviews to see how highly reputed it is; check out the links to learn more about the company and how it works;
2) send me a quick message on here with "i'm interested" in the subject line.
3) Follow the instructions in my followup message
4) Make USE of the system, which is 100% legit and free of both risk and monetary investment
5) When you start making money, tell your friends about it so that we can add to the network and continue to empower others, along with ourselves, to make their lives a little easier. You can add your friends under yourself if you wish, but if you refer them to go through my process I'll build their downline for them too (and in turn ensure that everyone has a solid downline).
Again, the entire process doesn't involve any of us spending a single dime; just switching to and actively using a different search engine (something we ALL do multiple times per day anyways) and getting paid for it.
If this seems simple enough to you, I ask you to start the ball rolling. Help me to help you, myself and everyone else who joins in some nice spending money. I'm not even asking for an email address... simply write me on here, sign up to the service through the referral link I'll send you and make USE of the search engine browser when you've got something to look up.
I can't GUARANTEE great results for everyone. It WILL work to make EVERYONE involved a solid side income IF 1) everyone USES it and 2) I continue to get enough new interested people on here to keep building up downlines. YOU can help to ensure that success by simply spreading work of what I'm offering to do for everyone when you sign up and put my system to use! Give it a few weeks and see how easy it is to make money. Then when you realize this, tell your friends to come here and be hooked into the system. It's THAT simple! Give the system a few months and see where we'll all be by Christmastime!
I have this "knack" for being a bit long-winded.. and figure I've certainly done so here as well; so I'll cut this off for now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you'd like to join my team and make some free extra cash, send me the "I'm interested" message. If you're still a skeptic and not interested, no worries. I wish you all the best in school and all that you do in life! If, however, you know of someone else who IS trying it out, be certain to follow up with them in a few months; and when you see how they've fared with it, feel free to come back and get setup with an account and a downline!
Have a great day everyone! Here's to success!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Although my pitch is aimed at college students, I'm looking for ANYONE that sees the true potential power in MLM-type business and is interested in making legitimate income online by working as a team. I've just noticed from past experience that college kids tend to be more open-minded to the very REAL possibilities that the web presents for making money.... SIGNIFICANT amounts, for people who provide simple services and work as a unit rather than greedy individuals.

Anyone who wants to bypass all of the b.s. scams or is just sick of them from repeated failed attempts to make significant income online is more than welcome to join the team. If you're not serious about making the most of the services and will serve as "dead-weight," you need not apply. I'm 100% serious and dedicated to the success of this venture; for myself and everyone who is willing to work with me. My goal is to help each person make an extra $600/month with THIS venture, plus once THIS gets some momentum I'm also planning on introducing the team members to a few OTHER ways of making money which are also risk-free and cost absolutely nothing but your time and diligence to make enough money for EACH of us to change our lives! I know there are plenty who'll call me a dreamer... but it's the dreamers, the ones who go AGAINST the grain, that change the world!

My Blog

Updated List! The best PTCs to add some extra cash to your wallet :)

WHAT IS A PTC?Paid-to-Click (PTC) Programs: These are programs where advertisers pay you to click and view their advertisements.YOUR TASK:Simply view advertisements for 30 seconds and get paid for it....
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 16:06:00 GMT

ANOTHER free and easy way to earn some extra cash for the holidays!!

WHAT IS A PTC?Paid-to-Click (PTC) Programs: These are programs where advertisers pay you to click and view their advertisements.YOUR TASK:Simply view advertisements for 30 seconds and get paid for it...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:05:00 GMT

Are YOU getting paid to Myspace?

You wanted opportunities to make money online, right?! Well, I'm thinking that you'll PROBABLY be pretty interested to know that there are a whole group of new age social networking sites that actuall...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 14:57:00 GMT

Interested in an easy way to help you pay for college?!

What would YOU do with an extra $600/month? THAT is my goal for each person who joins the team! If this interests you, read on. If not, no worries and have a great day! :) Still with me?.... I thought...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 15:15:00 GMT