I have a job now. (Yay!) I'm the new editorial assistant at Pet Age Magazine. (Woo woo!)Feeling a little cooped up doing the office job thing but once the weather gets better I hope to get out and start shooting again...I'd really like a new camera. Or two. A new Nikon DSLR would be wonderful, as would a Hasselblad. A film Hasselblad. Come on. I'm not that greedy. And a lighting kit. Alas, such luxuries shall have to wait. But donations are warmly welcomed. They go to a good cause. Seriously.
Currently forming some ideas on some projects that mean a lot to me. Hopefully life's path and my gumption and will get me there.
I'm also looking forward to having a full time job and getting some money, as I am eagerly awaiting the time to bring home a new puppy. Won't be for a while yet, but in the mean time I can make do with Petfinder and "puppy crushes."
RIP Baby Grace, Pinky and Sunny. The house is feeling super-empty without you.