technology, art, movies, theatre, glassblowing, welding, burning man, dorkbot, reading, creating, Disneyland!
People who have lives, people who are passionate about the things they do, people who don't have to adorn themselves with fashion statements to feel interesting.
Death Cab, Joseph Arthur, Elliot Smith, Pixies, Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, Postal Service, Sigur Ros, Jon Brion, Ladytron, Cocteau Twins, De/Vision
2001, Exorcist, Godfather, Gods and Monsters, The Conversation, Dreamchild, Donnie Darko, Seven, Usual Suspects, Fight Club
24, Sopranos, Lost, Mythbusters, Wondershowzen, Deadwood, Arrested Development
Snow Crash, Old Man's War, Me Talk Pretty One Day
feh, worshipping people is for chumps. Admire and learn from what they do, and try to carry on the things you find most meaningful about someone.That being said, I'd pretty much worship anyone who'd kick Dubya square in the nuts.