I like to board: surf, snow, skate and skim. I paddle outrigger. I like to play with sharks. I like to dive: sky, scuba, skin and ya. Like to play in the dirt and mud, growing kalo. Pretty much whatever people consider "extreme". I want to travel and see the rest of the world that i haven't seen yet. Like to go wondering around in tide pools back in Cali and see what all i can find. Like to walk on the beach in the morning with my cup of coffee and my dog before anyone else gets out there. Patron of Magoo's "Thursty Thursdays" here in Hawai..i and a member of the Anacapa Brewing Co.'s mug club. Big fan of dark beer! Like to hike and go camping, ride my skate down big hills, paintball, volleyball, rockclimb, lobster hunting, opihi picking, abalone hunting, race shopping carts, out-run Honolulu Police on my moped, play pool, sneak into hotel hot tubs. I basically like to have some sort of adventure. My favorite smell is the ocean.
I'd like to meet:
Manny Puige and Jeff Corwin. I'm pretty sure that there are enough people in this world that would love to meet God or Budda or whoever, that they can get a pretty good sense of what mankind is all about these days.
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I'll name a few, but too many to list them all: Fight Club, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Ronin, The 5th Element, Kill Bill, Pirates of the Carribean, Boondock Saints, Blown Away, Gangs of New York(be proud to be Irish), Whale Rider, Windtalkers(be proud to be a Native American), Saving Private Ryan, The Hunt for Red October, Apocolyse Now, The Deer Hunter, and many more that i am not going to name at the moment.
Family Guy, anything on National Geographic or Discovery (i have been on both of them) and Lost (only because it is filmed out here on the island).
Secret Lives of Sharks, Hawaii, Shark Almanac, The Biology of the Great White, The Alchemist, The Loop
My Mom, for surviving and keeping me alive while i have become a big kid.