" K " profile picture

" K "


About Me

FiRsT oFF!!! THaNKs FoR StoPPinG By & CHeCKiNG OuT My PaGe..NoW oN To ThE GoOD STuFF...A LiTTle BiT AbOuT Me..WeLL My NaMe Is KaHRiM, EvErYoNe CaLLs Me "K".. I've BeEn LiVinG SoMe-WhAT BaCK AnD FoRTh BeTwEEn NeW YoRk AnD MiAMi.. I'vE LiVeD ALL OVeR NeW YoRK.. BrOnX, MaNHaTTan AnD, QuEeNs.. I'vE ALsO LiVeD In NeW JerSey.. NoW I'm In MiAMi.. I Go To MiAMi DaDe CoLLeGe.. I'M a BuSiNeSS MaJoR.. I'M a ReALLy EaSy GoInG PeRsOn..I'Ma ReAL CoOL PeRsOn OnCe YoU GeT To KnoW Me.. I EnJoY MaNy DiFFeRenT THinGs.. PLaYinG BasKeTbaLL, WaTChinG MoVieS, ShOppInG, PLayinG GaMes (PoOL, SPaDeS eTc.) AnD, JuST ChiLLiN.. I CoLLeCT SnEaKeRs (JoRDaNs, NiKeS AnD, AdiDaS), AnD MoViEs (DvD's)..My FaVoRiTe MoViE iS "UnDeRWoRLd"..I ALsO LiKe To PLaY SoMe ViDeO GaMeS (NBA LiVe & FiFa WoRLD CuP).. I DoNT KnOw WhAt ELsE To WRiTe.. sO If YoU WaNT To KnoW SoMeThInG ELsE AbOuT Me, JuSt SenD Me A MeSSaGe..We'LL TaKe It FRoM THeRe... DoNT Be A STraNGeR..."K"..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm not here just to accept friend requests. If you're requesting me just to make your friends list look impresive, dont bother.I'd like to meet someone interesting. Someone that I can relate with about experiences. Someone spontaneous, fun, and caring. Someone smart, who has a beautiful perosnality. I would like to make a real friend. Myspace out the window. If you think that you're an interesting person, get at me..."K"......