Do you love singing? If so, do join us in Utrecht in the summer of 2009 for the international festival for amateur singers. The EUROPA CANTAT festival takes place every three years, and next time it's in Utrecht, the Netherlands.From 17 to 26 July 2009 individual singers, choristers and ensemble singers can take part in workshops (ateliers), meet people from all sorts of countries, enjoy singing with topconductors and listening to music.
Do you prefer to listen, then come and enjoy tens of choir concerts: classical music, vocal jazz, showchoir, folk music and musical.
More than 3000 singers are expected to attend and many more audience.
Do make sure you're one of them! EUROPA CANTAT XVII offers you 35 singing workshops (ateliers) of 5, 6, 7 or 8 days, each of which ends with a public performance. If you want to participate in such an workshop (atelier), you can register now! We already received more than
2700 registrations!
see U singing at EUROPA CANTAT XVII Utrecht 2009, the Netherlands!
See our website for more information: Click on the flag to choose your language