Daz profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im a cameraman, DP, golfer, amateur chef that likes to think he is actually a good cook. Im a family guy: . Im compassionate and kind, and I love it when friends and neighbors stop by for a beer or a meal, I like music and itunes... i love and appreciate life. ocean. golfing. love. my mom. my sisters. my cats. food. sushi. steak, medium rare. sleep. friends. music. dancing. relaxing. dogs. work. art. horses. good movies. motorcycles. the desert. trap and skeet. surfboards. traveling. airsoft. Black Hills of South Dakota. cultures. my bed. inspiration. people watching. Denver. jeans. stars. hammocks. the moon. good luvin. good food. good beer. fighting forest fires. my faith. my savior. hugs. sunsets. firepits. camping. scars. stories. laughter. dreams. a good taco stand. simple yet complex. live and let live with a smile in your heart... life intriques me. i wish the ocean was more of my playground. i believe in the heart, and being truthful, honest, and deep. deeper than deep, i see further... why waste your time, life is too short, live with passion. I had a dog. i love to eat, healthy or not. sushi is a favorite. i love to sleep. it makes you realize how lucky you are when you wake up from your dreams into real life, and don't know where the line is in between. i live every single day as if my path is already paved, because it is... fate, i believe in it. do you? I BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN KARMA, WISH WELL UPON EVERYONE, IT WILL COME BACK TO YOU. i've learned so much in my life, been through some pain but not so bad as compared to others, and all i can say is smile, be passionate, be kind... you don't know what is going on in other peoples lives until you talk to them. so ask questions, and listen! i love filling up my fridge. love a beer or a glass of wine when in the mood. i want to make this world better. i want people to believe in their dreams, and have people believe in them. i am so grateful to those who believe in me. i love my life, shooting and traveling and being home to cook and sleep and shower and garden/landscape... still waiting for my big break, working hard to get it... i am yet to find my place in the world, but if you think about it, you are in your place in the world, so whats the difference? there is so much more to come, i can't wait!

My Interests

photography, early american history, motorcycles, travel, lighting and the full moon, full-bodied fruit forward reds, horticulture, contrast, medium rare, birdies, ocean depths, canyons, branches, family trees, shorelines, the other cheek, kindness, eye contact, focus and camera movement, surfing, macs, bbq's, cigars and pipes, airsoft,

I'd like to meet:

cool people that possess a sense of humour. I also appreciate people that love and appreciate life. I dont want to meet arrogant people that treat waiters and grocers like 2nd class citizens... oh and I like to meet patti griffin again


Waterboys, Neil Finn(crowded house), U2, Peter Gabriel, David Gray, XTC, Patti Griffin, Van Morrison, Tom Waits, Tom Petty, Richard Ashcroft, Keane, jimmy eat world, against me!, death cab for cutie, angels and airwaves, jeff buckley, airborne toxic event,


Indy Jones, Lawrence of Arabia, Coen Bros Movies, shawshank redemption, the new world, Dark City


The Office, The Masters, The Simpsons, History Channel, HBO, Conan O'brien


bernard malamud, david ambrose, WWII History, george eliot/;


Army Major James M. Ahearn, Concord, CA, Martin Luther