photography, early american history, motorcycles, travel, lighting and the full moon, full-bodied fruit forward reds, horticulture, contrast, medium rare, birdies, ocean depths, canyons, branches, family trees, shorelines, the other cheek, kindness, eye contact, focus and camera movement, surfing, macs, bbq's, cigars and pipes, airsoft,
cool people that possess a sense of humour. I also appreciate people that love and appreciate life. I dont want to meet arrogant people that treat waiters and grocers like 2nd class citizens... oh and I like to meet patti griffin again
Waterboys, Neil Finn(crowded house), U2, Peter Gabriel, David Gray, XTC, Patti Griffin, Van Morrison, Tom Waits, Tom Petty, Richard Ashcroft, Keane, jimmy eat world, against me!, death cab for cutie, angels and airwaves, jeff buckley, airborne toxic event,
Indy Jones, Lawrence of Arabia, Coen Bros Movies, shawshank redemption, the new world, Dark City
The Office, The Masters, The Simpsons, History Channel, HBO, Conan O'brien
bernard malamud, david ambrose, WWII History, george eliot/;
Army Major James M. Ahearn, Concord, CA, Martin Luther