hanging out with friends, watching movies, dancing, drinking, smoking.... anything thats NOT in my best intrest
Chris Crocker is the funniest mofo ever! i wish i could best friends with him!! limpidie quickidie, jack be nimble jack be quick boy! and you cant forget damian.... pussy once a week! who lives like that?!
there are many things that i would like to say to you but i dont know how....
favorite disney movie of all time... the little mermaid. then theres dirty dancing and moulin rouge... i know im such a chick
best show EVER lost...Sex and the City, American Idol, LOST, The Office, Da Ali G Show, Desperate Housewives, Curb your enthusiasm, entourage, extereme makeover AND home makeover, trading spaces, friends, seinfeld, wife swap (ha!),cant forget saved by the bell, boy meets world, or full house
confessions of a shopaholic. favortie book i read in high school was probably tale of two cities.
britney spears whom i love dearly 3