Easy Lazy "C" & his Silver Slippers profile picture

Easy Lazy "C" & his Silver Slippers

About Me

Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!Easy Lazy"C" and his silver slippers aren't newcomers on the busy Rock'N'Roll/Rock-A-Billy scene.They play or have played in exciting combos.like: "PETE.&.THE.ATOMICS", "MEAN.DEVILS", "HOT.RHYTHM.& BOOZE", "LITTLE.LOU.&.THE MOONSHINERS", "SPIKEBONES". So, get off your nightcaps, keep your underwear ,cut the TV set and go nuts with these dirty old sounds!! You'll soon get into the way of Easy Lazy"C" and his silver slippers!!

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.. ..BiP BOp BoUm.. ..SweeT LoUeLLa.. ..That'S WhaT i CalL A BalL.. ..My Big FaT BabY: Dedicated to our dear Belgium friends "Lawen Stark & the Slide Boppers". SUN Jam SeSSion at"La MecaNiQue OndUlaTOire" with his son Max,Tony & Thibaut Jam SessIon:Chris & his son Max rhythm guitar,Tony drums,Thibaut bass

My Interests


Member Since: 03/08/2008
Band Members: "C"hristophe.Lucas: vocal/electric-rhythm.guitar Chris.Almoada:lead.guitar- Manu.Bouchez: electric/ upright-bass. Nico.Persichetti: drums/ maracastagnettes Jean.Pierre.Cardot: strokin'piano-
Sounds Like: ...Bethune Retro 2009. ...High R'a'B 2009... EaSY LaZy "C" ChrIS JeaN PIeRRe Manu AKA DJ Tikimalo Nico Pyjama.party
Record Label: Non signé
Type of Label: Unsigned

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