Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous profile picture

Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous


About Me

i like chocolate bubblegum.
and Waves, man. waves. where am i??!
Click to see my Star Wars Personality!!
meet my latest lover: "xena warrior princess" ...she's so fine.
trait snapshot (me, not the van.):
introverted, secretive, reclusive, tough, non social, observer, fearless, solitary, libertarian, detached, does not like to lead, outsider, abides the rules, mind over heart, good at saving money, does not like to stand out, does not make friends easily, self sufficient, not aggressive, likes the unknown, unconcerned with external opinion, strong, abstract, independent, very intellectual, analytical, high self control.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite." --William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." C.S. Lewis"

My Interests

faith, 60's, 70's, 80's hair metal, grunge rock, mermaids, the ocean, flute, dark, swimming, bellydancing, design, cooking, song, making, eating, physical activities, falling out of the sky, drawing, Sushiii!, smell, writing letters, fireplaces, driving fast, florida, sleeping on other peoples couch, hammocks, TEA, lame movies, hearing, flying, big-warm coats, animals, coffins, used-to penguins, mittens, climbing trees, reading, e-lix-rs, rats, chai, living in a cave, GreenTea Icecream, trailers-the ones with wood paneling, sweet potatas', seeing, making imaginary friends, wearing a robe all day, brushing my hair, whistling, freezing weather and dreary days, dreaming, graveyards, thai food, japanese roomates!, skinny dipping, long hair, chocolate italian ice, ghosts, the moon, believing, vampires, spaghetti, jumping into rivers.......

I'd like to meet:

gene wilder
The 'Past' People well, most of them anyway.


The Beatles, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Rainbow!, Led Zeppelin, Dick Dale, Jethro Tull, VAN HALEN, Aerosmith, Dream Theater, Air, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Frank Zappa, Basil Poledouris, King Crimson, Kitaro, Gregorian Chants, Ludwig van, Bach, Amadeus, The Black Mages, Danny Elfman, Lita Ford, GNR, Cinderella, Def Leppard, Dokken, RATT, Hanoi Rocks, Kix, Firehouse, Iron Maiden, ManoWar, that one song by the Stranglers, Tentakills, Mademoiselle Marquee & le labyrinthe de Marmelade, Tori Amos, ALICE FREAKING COOPER, Simon and Garfunkel, Johnny Lee, Mickey Gilley, Fiona Apple, Rhapsody,...alien music.Deep in the Mind of LuluLagoon Song Conceptions.


Point Break, Lost Boys, A Clockwork Orange, The Blue Lagoon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 12 Monkeys, Better Off Dead, Mafia Movies, Lady in Red, FastTimes at Ridgemont High, The Princess Bride, The Departed, Alice in Wonderland, Amelie, Repulsion, War Games, Real Genius, One Night at McCool's, Inventing the Abbotts, Mallrats, High Fidelity, Pulp Fiction, LA Confidential, See No Evil-Hear No Evil, Urban Cowboy, Cabaret, The Heathers, The Doors, Girl Interrupted, Detroit Rock City, Donnie Darko, Willard, Flight of the Navigator, Seven, Interview with the Vampire, Romeo and Juliet, Braveheart, The Secret of NIMH, and Star Wars (IV, V, VI).


i eat tvs. but if i must, i prefer early music videos. My So Called Life (dvd now) and That 70's show!


THE Word. anything i find to be mentally and or visually inspiring. fantasy of the 20th century. imaginary worlds. phantastes. alice in wonderland - have you ever noticed how lewis carroll so brilliantly favors gene wilder?!..or visa versa, that is. cook books, knotting books (crafting purposes). pdfs. the internet. anything worth learning is worth the read. the dictionary. encyclopedias, at times. aimlessly wandering new libraries are always an adventure, then there's amazon, of course. the screwtape letters~"my own opinion about devils, though proper to be answered when once it was raised, is really of very minor importance for a reader of screwtape. to those who share that opinion, my devils will be symbols of a concrete reality: to others, they will be personifications of abstractions, and the book will be an allegory. but it makes little difference which way you read it. for of course its purpose was not to speculate about diabolical life but to throw light from a new angle on the life of men."-c.s. lewis// pages with words written for all to savor, each viewer's interpretation a new one : even when the writer knows of it's true meaning.


Nicodemas....and these guys.
"there are things known and things unknown, and in between are the doors." "i'm interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that appears to have no meaning. It seems to me to be the road toward freedom." "this is the strangest life I've ever known." ~jim morrison
"talking all the time isn't necessarily communicating." ~jim carrey (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind)

My Blog

ascending slumber

no past or present,sight chasing sound.all too clear is an advancing dim.awakening within,before, beyond. and suddenly...all i can do is nightdream....
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:34:00 PST

"only mostly dead"

we knew the day would come.of course, i never'd a guessed nica' had you beat.He's got us all, hasn't he?and there you are, again by my side.johannes, this toast is to you!indeed a majesty.sleep well, ...
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST

"Why is there a Yoda in your frying pan?"

"Perhaps his force has been overruled by the kitchen box?""...Johan probably pushed him in. He's helping me pack."
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 03:28:00 PST

et fone home

Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:20:00 PST

Schools Out for SUMMER

Alas. The time is here.This is the day I make my exit.GoodBye Freeman. What would the world be without you..and paper.I thought I'd never know.A ringing in my ears, "School's out forever", as I pass...
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 11:51:00 PST

"Alternative Practitioner"

On Jun 7, 2006, at 12:00 PM, Ocon. Enterprise Sales wrote:I've been thinking about becoming a witch-doctor.On Jun 7, 2006, at 12:11 PM, Ocon. Enterprise Sales2 wrote:you know if you lived in the 1700s...
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 11:54:00 PST

my farcical felidae

I wrote a song for you at work today.[Phoebe voice]Three, four...Drama cat Drama catWhat are they feeding You?Drama cat Drama catIt's not my fault.If I'm the friendWho's friend of a friend,Friends wit...
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 12:18:00 PST


I'm a secretive person, what can I say? Not much, because I'm secretive. I'm not really sure why, because I don't really have anything to hide...or maybe I do.I think you can learn a lot about a per...
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Mon, 22 May 2006 01:55:00 PST

Lulu Lagoon

LuluLagoon.....coming to a theatre near you. LuluLagoon
Posted by Her Eminence, LuLu Maerin Aqueous on Tue, 09 May 2006 12:05:00 PST