Hey! My name is Ally as you already well know and this is my page. To start off I love singing, being embarrassing, living in the moment, sketching when bored, chillaxing with friends whenever possible, being a schemer :p, badmitten/softball, FF9, etc. I like being a bit uinque compared to the rest of the crowd and being called different, weird, or insane is a compliment to me. If you happen to have a problem with anything I do, say, or am about... then just leave me be and stick it up your pretty 'lil bootyhole. I do happen hate a few things with a passion such as people who think they are better than everyone, those who try to fit in by conforming or not being themselves, feet and sandals, and emos [no need to be so damned dramatic]. I must admit I LOVE Ihop, pancakes, strawberries, rock music (all genres and artists), 90's ♥, pizza is amazing, Pizza Hut is the best, red/black/silver, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Joker/Harley <3, lyrics, halloween, being a total tartass, and much more. I'm proud to be German, Irish, Scotish, English, Indian (Native American Blackfoot), Hungarian, and Austrian ... [I'm also french and possibly Canadian and Italian]. This is the basics of everything which you probably already know. My main sn is RfEuAcDkxTyHoIuS and message me if you need my email/number to talk.
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