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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

A little bit about me huh.... well I am a fun, crazy, guy with a big heart. I Love to make you laugh, I am the life of a party, and will always strive for success. I have an amazing pug named Norton. My friends are my rock, and without them all in my life I would be nothing. I love caribou coffee, enjoying great food, and amazing wine. I am at home camping, or in a swanky downtown club. I have had a few speed bumps in the road we call life, but I try to just push the peddle to the floor and conquer those little bumps. I Have spent the past year finding who I am, and I am ready for all of life's challenges. I love meeting new people so feel free to send me a note.Peace Love!

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My Interests

Sharron Faith Frenzel 05/13/47-05/13/2006 Rest In Peace Mom..... We will miss you Some snakes hanging on St. Patty's DayI am interested in anything! I love life, love movies, love the theater.I enjoy exploring little dive bars, and resturants. Love learning new things, and opening my eyes to knew worlds!

I'd like to meet:

Proof true love exists.Photos from some great moments with great freinds!

The boys and I celebrating Octoberfest

Me in Vegas for Labor day weekend

Photos from my 30th B day pajama party! Fishing on Milacs



Joey Diamonds
People Iced: Twenty Four
Car Bombs Planted: One
Favorite Weapon Bottle Rockets
Arms Broken: Thirty Four
Eyes Gouged: One
Tongues Cut Off: Eleven
Biggest Enemy: The Tooth Puller
Get Your HITMAN Name I love all music Brian, Alex, and a huge pig caught on Milacs


I will have to admit I do enjoy movies as well. My DVD collection is so large I could have my own Blockbuster.

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I do not get to watch much T.V. Cannot wait till football season


I wish I had time to read more. Currently reading The One Minute Manager.


My Dad! Anyone who can live his life with no regrets, love his wife with all his might, and never tell a lie is my kind of hero.Love ya Dad!

My Blog

My Life may be over.....

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving this year, and was able to spend lots of time with there friends and family. This weekend I had a major happening in my life, and I am not sure I will be th...
Posted by nater31176 on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 07:55:00 PST

My Life may be over.....

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving this year, and was able to spend lots of time with there friends and family. This weekend I had a major happening in my life, and I am not sure I will be th...
Posted by nater31176 on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 07:55:00 PST

What are you thankful for??

As I sit here planning  my second Turkey day dinner ever. I think about what I had, what I have, and what I want. I sometimes get down about things, but just look at the photos on my page. I...
Posted by nater31176 on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 07:42:00 PST

Party like a frat boy..... ?

You know there are good and bad things about being a frat boy.......The great things are the bonds, and friendships you make for life.Some how when you g et together with those guys you think you beco...
Posted by nater31176 on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 07:11:00 PST

Cul-de-sac of life

The word Cul-de-sac literally means "bottom of a bag" in French.  We hear the word and think dead end street. When growing up  I lived on a street with a Cul-de-sac. We would ride our big wh...
Posted by nater31176 on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:08:00 PST

La Ti Da

Great words!!!   Things are lookin alright todayThe sun is shining I'm feeling okayMy chin is up , my spirit is highPretty sure that I could flySo I sing la ti da ti daThings are finally right fo...
Posted by nater31176 on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 06:20:00 PST

I am consumed......

  Ok I may need a 12 step program..... I am not sure what it is...The 42" Plasma I just got.... the Fantasy team that is going down the tubes, or the many other exciting things about the NFL thi...
Posted by nater31176 on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 07:42:00 PST

Two Years and Chapter 2

Well Two years ago today I started chapter two of my life. Though it has been a slow read, and by no means The Davinci Code There has still been plenty of action. I have lost family members, started a...
Posted by nater31176 on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 07:29:00 PST

We Survived

The weekened of debauchery was a success. We drank, gambled, laid out by the pool, and even met Scott Bao(or his younger twin). The trip could not have been much better. If you get to Vegas go to the ...
Posted by nater31176 on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 06:48:00 PST

Well deserved weekend!

Well everyone... my eye is tummy has butterflies. Because in about 6 hours I will be on a flight to LASSSSSS VEEEEGGGGAAAS!!WOO HOOO! I hope everyone has an amazing Labor day weekend....
Posted by nater31176 on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:57:00 PST