guitar lessons. sleeping. reading. i don't get enough time to read. always glue, tho i have been slacking about gluing things together. big sunglasses. still the green rock. comfy jeans and feeling comfy. having the best friend and Joshie visit. not crying. i would like to not cry for the next forever weeks. days off doing nothing. people that make me laugh so hard i almost pee. moldy box. my dawg. a new kitty someday. purring on the boy. um. you know, stuff.
someone who will clean my apt for me for free
i'm listening to 7 year bitch right now. it's inspiration for moldy box ;-)
still slackin on joining netflix. dammit.
no have one. don't want one. partly because i don't like wasting my time in front of the idiot box but mostly because i like the expressions on people's faces when i say i don't have a TV. it's sooooo classic american horror.
i found a david sedaris book on the plane. i forget which one, but i'm gonna read that next.
BudStar. i love my BudStar. he's a hundred and twelve years old and he is tired. there will be a universe sized hole in my heart when he goes.