Welcome to Rockitt! Reviews
Rockitt is a project created to provide the masses with updates in the music industry and spread the word of good bands; signed and unsigned!
It is a project which invites you, the public, to play a role in the music business. We accept reviews of bands, albums and gigs as well as articles and live photos. If you would like to send us something or want to get your band featured in our monthly unsigned band feature, please see the contact details below.
Hope you like the site and thanks for stopping by!
- Milli x
To contact us...
Email: [email protected]
or simply send us a message on here!
When asking for a review or feature, please remember that I run this single handedly and am still a full time student so it may take a while to do and get back to you.
In particular, for features, if there is a limited amount of information on your myspace/website and I ask you to email me some, please, please do it as otherwise I cannot write the feature and therefore fall behind on work.
Thank you :)!
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