This seems to very but normally I like discovering new things about the world around me and myself. You see I think that we are all someone. That someone who we are is maid up of some things that are fluid and somethings that are static. Some of the things that are fluid are good and some of them are bad. Some of the things that are static good and some are bad. I think that we need to try and weed out the things that are negative about ourselves and get rid of them, and we need to try to isolate the things that are positive about ourselves and develop them.That being said I am a Christian and I believe that the things that are good come from God. I also believe that the things that are bad are a product of our own doing, either as individuals or as a collective. So please do not think me some kind of humanist.Strange Facts
I'd like to meet:
CS Lewis, Mark Twain, Third Day, Batman, Spiderman, David Hume, Ravi Zacharias, Francis Schaeffer,
It is really a balance of a lot of different things, my music preferences seem to be schizophrenic: David Crowder, Shane and Shane, Jars of Clay and Third Day and on other occasions I also like DMB, POD, KJ52, Grits, Pillar, Maroon5, FInger 11 matchbox 20 and much, much moreDavid Crowder Band Everything Glorious .. ..
Well this is an ecclectic list....Shawshank Redemption, Patriot, Punisher, Spiderman, X-men, Batman, Sweet Home Alabama, the Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, the Bourne Identity and Supremacy, rounders, Oceans 11 and 12 really I like movies with a sence of epic...and much much more
We don't have television per say.....what we do have is a DVD player and tons of seasons of shows. We have Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis (yeah ok I am a nerd, get over it), Smallville, West Wing, Law and Order, Heroes, House, and more
Bible, anything by CS Lewis (particular favorites Surprised by Joy, The Great Divorce, and miracles), Everything I have read by Ted Dekker has been great, just finished Eragon and Eldest.
Jesus, Paul, Adrian Rogers, Tod Tanner, Keith Griffin, Bill Whidden, Randy Gillis, CS Lewis, My Parents, and my wife {fictional heros: Batman (ala Michael Keaton of Chritian Bale: the others were panasies), Spiderman, Green Lantern and the Punisher)