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About Me

Education. Rudaments. Datsuns. Perpetual Economic Crisis. Coloured Vinyl. Bicycles. Cruelty Free. Work Avoision. Grasshopper. Photos. Analogue analogue analogue....

My Interests

D.I.Y., the Kyoto Protocol, amazing vegan food, econolodge karaoke, Lucky Saloon and staying posi!

I'd like to meet:

Independent music enthusiasts, other punk-rock teachers and this guy!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..


most Dischord & Touch and Go bands, the 'Mats, Owls, Botch, Swans, the Pogues, Explosions in the Sky, Propagandhi, Greg MacPherson, the Last Deal, Isis and Pearl Jam.


Ghostbusters, High Fidelity, the Big Lebowski, the Corporation and I love music docs, especially the one about Fugazi, called Instrument and the Burn to Shine series.


The Nature of Things, Futurama, the Daily Show, Little Mosque on the Prairie, the X-Files, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development and the National with Peter Mansbridge.


the Sacred Balance, the God Delusion and a bunch of Ed texts these days



My Blog

My (real) blogsites

Since I doubt many people read this anyways, I'm not going to bother double posting what I already have on my real blogs of which I have two: General ramblings can be found here. But PunkRock Pedago...
Posted by dallaspattern on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 06:12:00 PST

Our Common Ground

In leu of the weak Clean Air Act just released by the Useless Party, I invite you to check out a website that documents the pollution released in Canada every year. It's super easy to navigate and you...
Posted by dallaspattern on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 05:14:00 PST

Atomic Garden

I'm an avid reader of the Globe and Mail. Not because it is "leftist" or "liberal" or whatever other popular anti-progressive term the neoconservative doucherags refer to it as, but because they seem ...
Posted by dallaspattern on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 03:42:00 PST