psychopaths, ninjas, strippers, actors, santa, neurotics, storm chasers, designers, jail escapees, psychics, musicians, vampires, golddiggers, investment bankers, bus drivers, a moose, nudists, insomniacs, Jesus, pirates, zoo keepers, models, gangstas, spies, nerds, cosplayers, chefs, poets, big foot, gamblers, cynics, plumbers, nymphomaniacs, astronauts, artists, shop lifters, players, hitchhikers, rappers, goths, plastic surgeons, tyrants, ventriloquists, optimists, veterans, monks, addicts, vegetarians, superheroes, dancers, alektorophobics, zemmiphobics, pteronophobics, lutraphobics, gynephobics, and dendrophobics, screw the rest of you…kidding, I’ll meet you too:)
adopt your own virtual pet!