vegetables, gay men, budgies, birds, fair trade, bicycles, ceramics, clay, art, dolan tools, silicosis, film, adult onset ADD, cigarettes, belgian beer, power tools, cats, metalsmithing, jewelry making, soldering, shit talking, sally mann, crochet, embroidery, and your mother.
rock bottom risers, you, lobsters, cat people. Artemesia Gentileschi, and of course your mom.
This week I am listening to: (smog), mountain goats, fruit bats, belle and sebastian, camera obscura, bonnie prince billy, andrew bird, morrissey, and erlend oye.Next week I will be listening to: same
royal tenenbaums, suspiria, a mighty wind, reefer madness, being john malkovich, magdalene sisters, igby goes down, adaptation, america graffiti, seven, sleepers, about schmidt, american splendor, amelie, city of lost children.
law and order SVU, blue planet.
You Shall Know Our Velocity!, Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius, Fall on Your Knees,Dry and/or any augusten burroughs,david sedaris, Art History text, Modern British Short Stories, The Cleft and Other Odd Tales, craft magazine. just ask me. sheesh
your mom, paul soldner, Judy Chicago, Lady Bird.