Nazak Pahlavi profile picture

Nazak Pahlavi

About Me

H.I.H. Princess Nazak of Iran

Iranian Photographer
Persan Princess
Nazak was born Princess on February 12, 1958 in Teheran. Daughter of Hamid Reza Pahlavi, one of the crown princes to the throne of Iran.
Reza Shah himself sent to Monte Rosa college in Switzerland, Nazak and her brother Behzad, seen as the terrible children of the royal family in Teheran.
In 1978, at the time of the Islamic Revolution, Nazak studies photography in Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara California. Crossed with her family, she left the United States for Brazil with a forged passport and remains in Sao Paulo where she married Vinicius. Nazak found a common thread in her mother-in-law, Theresa Mainardi, photographer as well, who helped her to strengthen the focus and passion for photography.
At the age of 23, she publishes Strange Naked under the name of Nazak Zartosht, in Brazilian magazine FOTOPTICA : …"sarcasm, irony, a little bit of voyeurism, much of poetry and mischievousness … these images inconvenient ".
Nazak left Brazil for France where she learnt about her brother’s death, Behzad Pahlavi.
To make a living she worked as saleswoman in Saint-Germain des Prés, but she finds her aunt, the Princess Ashraf the Shah’s sister, in her Parisian apartment of the Montaigne Avenue. Nazak got some financial help from her.
She goes each beginning of month to withdraw her pocket money from Chapour Baktiar, the last Iranian Prime Minister. Therefore she could continue growing in photography with a professional approach.
In exile and despite her background and her social rank, Nazak hasn’t integrated the Iranian jet set but preferred to be part of the Parisian jet set. She trails the connected nightclubs, the majority of her friends were artists. Beautiful, brilliant and cultivated, the rebellious princess felt at ease everywhere, that’s mean nowhere... Girl of the Eighties, Nazak likes rock'n'roll concerts, Jim Morrison’poems and the Indians of America.
Her meetings with the French photographers Jean-Loup Sieff, Jean-François Jonvelle "The French Lover", Jacques Bergaud the "Sade" from Pin-Up Studios, and the photo-reporter Chico Nascimento from MANCHETTE (the Brazilian magazine Paris-Match) inspires its photo work, in particular its series WOMEN UNDER THE SKIRT.
Paris Match proposed to send her to Teheran: she refuses, the father of her friend Ali Khorram, has been just carried out by the Islamist Republic of Khomeiny, he is the first of a long list...
In constant search of love and recognition, Nazak hides her evil of living under a factitious euphoria. December 27, 1987, Nazak dies in Paris in mysterious circumstances. She was 29.
The official announcement of her death was made by her cousin Reza Pahlavi, but passes unperceived. Nazak is buried on the run at Thiers Cemetery, near Paris.
June 2001 will have to be waited until, date on which died her cousin Leïla, last daughter from the Shah of Iran, to find its tomb: a simple ground rectangle with a framing of cement and without any stele.
Upset by this naked tomb, her friend FJKD plants a pile there where she registers the name and the first name of the forgotten princess.
From Nazak remains only its photographs, curiously dared and shifted for an eastern young woman.
The former empress of Iran Farah Pahlavi, evoking the memory of her daughter, the Princess Leïla, will say, "One day of darkness will spout out the light".
The eye of Nazak, Iranian Photographer, Persian Princess, is the reflection of a whole dynasty, that of Pahlavis, and a whole History, that which began in 1978 in Iran.
It was called Islamic Revolution...

. . . You give me your portrait and it is a mirror in which I am read

Photographe Iranienne
Princesse Persane
Nazak est née Princesse le 12 février 1958 à Téhéran. Elle était fille d'Hamid Reza Pahlavi, l'un des princes héritiers du trône d'Iran.
Nazak et son frère Behzad, qui étaient les enfants terribles de la famille royale à Téhéran, sont envoyés au collège Monte Rosa en Suisse par Reza Shah lui-même.
En 1978, lors de la révolution islamique, Nazak étudie la photographie au Brooks Institute of Photography à Santa Barbara en Californie. Coupée de sa famille, elle fuit les Etats-Unis pour le Brésil avec un faux passeport et séjourne à Sao Paulo. Nazak épouse Vinicius, sa belle-mère Théréza Mainardi est photographe, elle peut continuer de « travailler » la photographie.
A 23 ans, elle publie «Nus Insolites" sous le nom de Nazak Zartosht, dans le magazine brésilien FOTOPTICA : « …sarcasme, ironie, un petit peu de voyeurisme, beaucoup de poésie et de malice … ces images incommodes… ».
Elle quitte le Brésil pour la France lorsqu’elle apprend la mort de son frère Behzad Pahlavi.
Après avoir travaillé quelque temps comme vendeuse à Saint-Germain des Prés elle retrouve sa tante, la Princesse Ashraf sœur du Shah d’Iran, dans son appartement parisien de l'avenue Montaigne.
Nazak obtient une rente de Chapour Baktiar, le dernier Premier Ministre iranien, elle peut ainsi continuer la photographie qu’elle aborde de plus en plus professionnellement.
Nazak ne fréquente pas la jet-set iranienne en exil, elle lui préfère la jet-set parisienne. Elle fréquente les boîtes de nuit branchées, ses amis sont artistes pour la plupart. Belle, brillante et cultivée, la princesse rebelle se sent à l'aise partout, c’est-à-dire nulle part. Fille des années 80, Nazak aime les concerts de rock, les poèmes de Jim Morrison et les Indiens d'Amérique.
Ses rencontres avec les photographes français Jean-Loup Sieff, Jean-François Jonvelle "le French Lover", Jacques Bergaud le "Sade" des studios Pin-Up, et celle du photo-journaliste Chico Nascimento de MANCHETTE (le Paris-Match brésilien) inspire son travail photo, notamment sa série WOMEN UNDER THE SKIRT.
Paris Match veut l'envoyer à Téhéran, elle refuse, le père de son ami iranien Ali Khorram vient d'être exécuté par le régime Islamiste de Khomeiny, c'est le premier d'une longue liste.
En quête perpétuelle d'amour et de reconnaissance, Nazak cache son mal de vivre sous une euphorie factice.
Le 27 décembre 1987, Nazak meurt à Paris dans des circonstances mystérieuses. Elle a vingt-neuf ans.
L'annonce officielle de sa mort est faite par son cousin Reza Pahlavi, alors aux sports d'hiver à Val d'Isère, mais passe inaperçue.
Nazak est enterrée à la sauvette.
Il faudra attendre juin 2001, date à laquelle décédait sa cousine Leïla, fille cadette du Shah d'Iran, pour retrouver sa tombe : un simple rectangle de terre avec un encadrement de ciment et sans aucune stèle.
Bouleversée par cette tombe nue, son amie FJKD y plante un pieu où elle inscrit le nom et le prénom de la princesse oubliée.
De Nazak ne reste que ses photos, curieusement osées et décalées pour une jeune femme orientale.
L'ancienne impératrice d'Iran Farah Diba, évoquant le souvenir de sa fille cadette la Princesse Leïla, dira "Un jour des ténèbres jaillira la lumière".
L'œil de Nazak, Photographe Iranienne, Princesse Persane, est le reflet de toute une dynastie, celle des Pahlavis, et de toute une Histoire, celle qui débuta en 1978 en Iran.
Elle s'appelait Révolution Islamique...
. . . D E A D L I N E ©NAZAK Paris 1987
. . . Tu me donnes ton portrait et c'est un miroir dans lequel je me lis
. . . B A M B O U ©NAZAK Paris 1984
Papa était vilain
Maman était très belle
Mon frère est déjà loin
Je reste dans mon coin
A Saint-Germain des prés
J'ai rencontrée Chica
On avait un boulot
Histoire de Ventilo
Je vais souvent chez elle
Elle n'habite pas très loin
Encore un peu d'héro
Quelques séances photos
Chaque début de mois
Je m'occupe de moi
Aller chercher le blé
M'en mettre plein le nez
En allant au labo
J'ai rencontré Chico
Et j'ai photographié
Bambou déshabillée
Dans toute la capitale
Je les ai rencontrés
Ils m'ont tous courtisée
Je suis désabusée
Chaque début de mois
Je m'occupe de moi
Aller chercher le blé
M'en mettre plein le nez
Ils ne veulent plus de moi
Je vais chercher un toit
Tata est encore là
Je peux aller là-bas
Veulent m'faire travailler
Pour les photographier
Ils ont just'oublié
Que j' veux ma liberté
Chaque début de mois
Je m'occupe de moi
Aller chercher le blé
M'en mettre plein le nez
Princesse Nazak Princesse Persane
Princesse Nazak Princesse Personne
© FJKD 2002
Vidéo : S N O W - W H I T E
Photos : Nazak / Music : Sussan Deyhim

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Member Since: 31/07/2008
Band Members: Never knew her ?
That wells...

She had a back sack
not a normal back sack in her sack
in her back sack
she carried a lot
not normal stuff
she carried her
her past in her back sack
Her back sack was heavy
far to heavy for any one
She had eyes that could see things that no one could see
She was a traveller
She took the final travel far too soon
She maybe gone for good
But She is here
in the future

For the way she saw things
Makes her alive
even if
She is dead.

Ali K.
Tehran 12/31/2002

. . . P h o t o D e F a m i l l e - Tehran IRAN 1968

Thanks to all the people keeping Nazak Pahlavi memory no=11326 20sectionID=8&editorialID=551

. . . S e l f - P o r t r a i t ©NAZAK Brazil 1980


. . . O n c e U p o n a T i me © FJKD 2002

. . . N o n - R e s i d e n t A L I E N ©NAZAK Santa-Barbara CA 1979

. . . W e d d i n g P e r t u r b a t i o n ©NAZAK Brazil 1980

Marriage to death...

White becomes her
Both in death and marriage she wears white
Today is her wedding day
Her gown is all white
Just a reflection of her pure soul
A soul so pure; filled with concern for others
On her wedding day she wears not any make up
She doesn’t n need any
She never needed a persona or a mask
She was so pure that she didn’t hide
The only thing that she hide was her pain
She had a back sack
Her sack and her were inseparable
She had the back sack from the day she was born
She was born a princess by blood
She was a princess with out any ceremony
She was a princess filled with pain
She was a princess that felt the pain of the common people
The only sign of royalty was her compassion for other beings
Since the day she was born she carried a back sack
Her back sac wasn’t filled with gold, or precious things
In her back sac she carried her pain
A pain that could be felt, seen, in her eyes
So the day of her marriage
She put on a gown white in colour
Her wedding in a forest
But if you looked closely
The gown stood in the forest
The gown was white the colour of her soul pure
Yet she was not in the gown
Although the gown was as if she was wearing it
But it was empty, she was not in the gown
She laid motionless beside the gown
With her back sack filled with unspoken pain
The weight of the back sack was so heavy
That made her fall off her dress
There were no pictures of the husband to be
After all this marriage was an end
An end to all the pain, suffering
It was a marriage to death; to the end.

Ali K 2008

. . . C U L t u r a l I D E N T I T Y ©NAZAK 1978

. . . I L A D R O D A V L A S . . . a n a g r a m . . . ©NAZAK

. . . T W I N - T O W E R S ©NAZAK 1984

VIDEO CLIP by FJKD : Quand Nous Reviendrons ©YO 2006 / Photos ©NAZAK

. . . F J K D ©NAZAK 1984

. . . N A Z A K . . . N A Z A K by Maxime

. . . N A Z A K and his brother B E H Z A D

Both died in exil from overdose said the legend of this photography in the propaganda book title " THE PAHLAVIS" published by the government of the Republic Islamic of Iran.

Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

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