About Me

Rennicillin lives in Canton, Ohio & has for all but one year .The one year in Texas where He found His birth Mom he got saved at her church ! The Good Lord Jesus spoke 2 His heart & let Him know that He died 4 us & has a future & hope for us ! Rennicillins' real name is Andrew.Rennicillin gave His life 2 Jesus and has been doing music ever since.It is all 4 Gods glory ! Growing up Renn was adopted and later adopted parents divorced.He delt with depression,drugs,alcohol,verbal abuse,and suicide,and was never satisfied with life and relationships.He had a hard life & lost both Grandmas and His little brother at age 11.Going thru life & trials & tribulations He learned it was so he can relate with people & the things life throws at them.Life is not easy but with Jesus it fills up the emptyness & lonliness ! He learned that Jesus is a friend & Father who will never leave U or stop loving U !!! Just like the story of the 2 footprints !!! He has been thru a lot and should of died many times.He flipped His car 5 times & flew out the windshield head first ! He got guns 2 His head on 2 different occasions. Renn just wants people 2 use their God given minds & think about eternal life & where they are going 2 spend it ! Heaven is real & hell also is real ! Renn knows that the lack of knowledge leads 2 destruction ! The devil is real & evil is in the world.Look at all the choas,violence,murder,wars,greed & predjudice & jealousy & korupt drama ! Open Your eyes & walk by faith & not by sight !!! Jesus wins & will destroy the devil & the Bible says so !!!! Today is the day of salvation & getting saved from hell is a free gift !!!! Pray 2 Jesus and ask 4 forgiveness & believe He died 4 Your sins & God raised Him from the grave !!!!! Ask Him into Your heart & to be Lord of Your life !!!! He talks 2 us thru the Bible & we can talk back by prayer !!! It is a relationship !!!! Not religion !!!!! Jesus is Faithful & Loves You & died 4 You & is coming back 2 get the true believers who live in obedience & trust in Him !!!!! The kingdom of heaven is at hand & where You spend eternity is up to You !!!!! Jesus is the answer!!!!!! Jesus is the way,the truth and the life. John 14:6 Walnut Hills Rollin Flow
Serve Our King

My Interests


Member Since: 30/07/2008
Band Website: Be on the lookout,main page in the making !
Band Members: Rennicillin
Influences: God the Father,Jesus the Son,& the Holy Spirit
Sounds Like: Rennicillin is an Ordained Minister of Music and Ordained Evangelist and produces, mixes, arranges ,writes all and records all His own music. Uses original beats and sometimes samples other beats.Plays guitar and keyboard. God Gets all the Glory !
Record Label: God Is My Record Label
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Fear Not ! ! !

Fear Not !!! The greater the battle the greater the victory !!! This is not a Scooby Doo mystery.The devil is done for and is history.And Im for real deal and Im for real.And by Jesus' stripes we are ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 16:52:00 GMT

Dont Pimp God !

I see many folk I know or know of (even on here) pimpin God and trying to get the mighty dollar from preaching the gospel or having Gods name on their product !!!! It makes me sick !!!!!!! Just imagin...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 02:02:00 GMT

New lyrics

God Im thankful 4 these end-times & rhymes.Thankful that U said whatever I touch shall prosper.So that's why my cups running over & Im loading up my cart like a shopper.These rhymes spittin ou...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 14:12:00 GMT

Characteristics of a Jezebel Spirit

The Spirit of Jezebel hates the Word of God because it has power to transform people and nations.The goal of this demonic spirit is to destroy family,morality,intregrity,and every element of a Godly s...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:46:00 GMT