Regina Hudson © profile picture

Regina Hudson ©

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Artwork by Laura Pelick @
Colors: Green and Silver
Ghost: The Bloody Baron
Head of House: Severus Snape
Entrance: Stone Wall
Mascot: Serpent
Named After: Salazar Slytherin
Slytherins: Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Millicent Bulstrode, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Malcolm Baddock, Graham Pritchard
Former Slytherins: Tom Riddle A.K.A. Lord Voldemort, Severus Snape, Marcus Flint, Terence Higgs, Bletchly, ?, Peter Warrington.
"Or perhaps in Slytherin, you'll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means, to achieve their ends."
Regina Hudson
My name is Regina Hudson. Call me that and you shall know what pain is. Call me Reggie. I'm 17 and a 7th year Slytherin at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Blood doesn't matter to me, so I'll befriend anyone who's willing to befriend a Slytherin with an attitude.
When my parents died, I moved in with my Aunt Kendra. Since I wasn't old enough to know my own mother she, naturally, is just like my mum. She raised me just like her own and I love her more than anything. I live with her in a comfortable vintage apartment in the heart of London. She means the world to me, so if you mess with her I'll promise you would've wished you thought twice.
It's quite odd, but when caught in the right mood, I can sometimes be...Actually very cheerful? Hyper? Uniquely happy? Eh can't find the right word, so just take your pick. Usually, however, I'm rather sarcastic, I don't take shit and I won't care what you have to say to me.
Also, if you piss me off I'll turn into the bitch from hell. I can usually tell with a first impression of whether or not I like you so if I don't return comments or give nice fluffy picture comments that's why. I just don't like you.
The other thing I love alot is my sweet baby Skuttles! I've had him since my first year in Hogwarts and he's probably my best friend besides my good friend Naughty ♥
If you want, you can IM me anytime you like. I'm always on ..
EndlessXLove 07

My Interests

Hangin' with my Aunt
Swimming with the giant squid
Being sarcastic
Taking pictures
Being a camera whore
Chillin' with my Slytherins

I'd like to meet:

The Eagles! A great Muggle band!

Pink Floyd! Another great Muggle band!
My baby Skuttles!

A pic of the tattoo on my lower back!

That's my Pygmy Puff named Kritter!!


The Eagles
Pink Floyd
Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac
Elton John
Bob Seger
Grateful Dead
Inner Circle
Alanis Morissette
Renee Flemming
Meredith Brooks



My Aunt Kendra. She is my hero! I love her to death so if you mess with her I'll go Avada Kedavra on your ass!

Professor Snape! He's the greatest potions teacher EVER

My Blog

A rant of my own! **Out of character**

In character for a sec: Ok, now, this does NOT include a good friend of mine, Naughty Ron as he has been around for ages, so, Naughty, love, if you read this please take no offense. I am just ranting ...
Posted by Regina Hudson © on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 01:20:00 PST

Boyfriend Application

Name:Age:Location:Height:Hair (color and style):Eyes:Piercings/tattoos:OTHER:1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists?3. Do you drink/smoke??4. Do you like the bea...
Posted by Regina Hudson © on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 02:50:00 PST

My Style

My boots: The kind of tops you'll usually see me in: The pants I usually wear: Others:    ...
Posted by Regina Hudson © on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:52:00 PST


I am NOT Katy Rose! I am not in any way associated with her nor do I know anybody that is! I AM JUST ROLEPLAYING! SO BEFORE YOU MESSAGE ME ASKING ME IF I AM HER PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS ...
Posted by Regina Hudson © on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 10:33:00 PST