You know to be honest, I dont know what my interests in life are anymore. I used to have a good handle on things, but lately I have been slipping. Im deffinitly a homebody, that loves movies, cook outs, television, and gaming; like I said I am a nerd. Since living in Colorado I have revamped a thing for the outside, camping, fishing (as long as I dont catch anything i gotta touch) and soon to be concerts, when the weather is warm enough.
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Your Political Profile:
Overall: 45% Conservative, 55% Liberal
Social Issues: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?
Other like minded individuals that realize life in this counry will soon no longer be a free life; unless the people of our country stand up and viokently take back the country from the Council of Foreign Relations. Id like to meet someone I dont know, that knows somethings I dont, and wants to learn things I know, that is why we are here in life is it not? To learn, to do, and to teach is one of our missions, if not passions in life.
There are far too many musicians that I like to list. It would be very long, and you would probably get borede reading thee list. However I will say I will listen to almost anything from Big Band, Swing, Opera, Classical Music, Rock, Metal, and maybe some rap(nothing past 95 though is worth buying in my opinion) I am not a big fan of country, I feel it encourages imbreeding, have you seen some of the die hard country fans, they all look alike.
I love, and I mean LOVE horror movies, they are the key to my heart(that and a pizza). I have a pretty good collection of movies, some old from the 50's some new like Hostel 2. I also enjoy a good comedy, the stoner ones are my favorite, and I dont mind the occasional drama or chick flick, just depends on my mood.
Hmm, well lately I have been watching a lot of Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, and Kenny VS Spenny when i stay awake long enough on Sundays. Otherwise I really enjoy the Food Ntwork, History Channel, Discover Channel, you know educational but entertaining programming(yes its possible).
I do like to read. I have read many a book by Dean Koontz. My favorite author as of now is Richard Bach, his book are an inspiration in my life. They have given me guidance into living. I also enjoy playboy articles, reference books on drugs, and hippie survival handbooks. Also it may sound weird, but I might start reading Mein Kampf, NO I AM NOT A NAZI OR A SS, but Hitler was a genius gone MAD. If it was not fo the syphillis and the whole JEW thing he could have been a great man.
What is your special ability?
Your special ability is ... stopping politicians from doing stupid things
'What is your special ability?' at
My family. Family is not always blood, its within the relationship created. My mother, she taught me what I use to live now. She struggled to make a good life for myself and my brother as a single mom and she prevailed above the odds. Ron Paul, who is the onyl man in congress willing to stand up to Big Brother and try to help spark the fire for the American people.A big hero of mine.