h@Ylz profile picture


pretty as a man!

About Me

Jus fin my degree in Grafic design! not very good at spelling, maaahhaa! I like monkeys, noughart and milk bottles! I live in the lively city of Bristol, aka Brizzle! It has an awesum music scene. I like gigs, festivals, music and so on... If u are added as one of my buddies, u must be very special and feed me all the time! or I will end up eating you. Have a nice day... p.s my dream is to meet the snowman
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Little Miss Muff What's Your Porn Star Name?

My Interests

Big hairy bellies, Gigs, music, monkeys, art, grafix, strange people, friends, music, more music, boys, gals, thundercats, New York, laughing, everything, Applewood cheese, Photos Bacon sarnies, Exhibtion cider from someeeerset, Kisses, huggles, doing the sexy time! watching mr pete the cat do chin ups to mr scruff!:-

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

I'd like to meet:

a head made of food and someone who likes tommy k as much as I! oh and the moon! .. width="425" height="350" .. Your results:
You are Supergirl Supergirl 85% Green Lantern 75% Wonder Woman 70% Iron Man 70% Robin 70% Superman 65% Hulk 60% Spider-Man 55% The Flash 55% Catwoman 50% Batman 30% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test


Battle The Cooper temple clause Muse Antartic monkeys, he he! The Long blondes libertines Dirty pretty things Bloc party Coldplay 1990's Babyshambles Queens of the stone age Massive attack Royksopp Rolling Stones Clash Doors Doves Strokes Oasis Who?... Good stuff really


True romance, Full Metal Jacket, naughty girly porn! did i say that out loud!?
Which Disney Princess are you? W. Pictures!

You definately have a rebelious side! You are totally up for taking risks as long as you believe that things will turn out for the better in the long run! You bold personality is fun and adventurous!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com


ummm, well it has to be the most hilarious Mighty Boosh! love vince!
You Are A Realistic Romantic
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! Are You Romantic or Realistic?


last one i read was Myra Hindley! She inspires me?? I like arty farty ones as well, so don't think i'm all that deranged!


food heads, cowboys! whoever invented chicken! Thinkers! Strange people
You Are a Smiley Face Cookie
You're happy go lucky. So happy, in fact, it's a little past the point of normal sanity.
You usually make those around you smile ... when you're not creeping them out! What Kind of Cookie Are You?