Nicholas Schuller profile picture

Nicholas Schuller

About Me

"Beautiful pieces, delicately and sensitively played." - Lawrence Ferrara, San Francisco Conservatory of Music
Latest CD "Carpe Diem" released by Sweet Street Studios, is now available for purchase via CD Baby and myspace for $10. CD is also available for download via iTunes.
Purchase CD here at myspace
"A ravishingly beautiful addition. Nicholas Schuller's playing has a depth and poetry that resonates long after the music ends. This is playing full of subtlety and color - a hauntingly beautiful disc." - Kurt Erickson, Composer
Guitarist Nicholas Schuller is a graduate of the prestigious San Francisco Conservatory of Music where he studied in the studios of David Tanenbaum and Lawrence Ferrara. While in residence at the Conservatory he was also heavily influenced by the teachings of guitarist/composer Dusan Bogdanovic.
Nicholas has performed in master classes for several of the world's top guitarists wherein he received guidance from Pepe Romero, Manuel Barrueco, Scott Tennant, Mark Teicholz, and others.
Nicholas has distinguished himself by winning first prize at the 1993 Juan Serrano Guitar Competition, wherein, he performed for the late guitarist Laurindo Almeida from Brazil. Two years later, he became a recipient of the Rose Pollack scholarship for performers of stringed instruments.
Nicholas is a versatile musician in both solo and ensemble performance. He maintains an extensive repertoire with a particular interest in early and modern music.
Nicholas plays a cedar top guitar built in 2005 by luthier Paul Jacobson. The instrument is strung with a unique combination of D'Addario, Galli Genius, and Hannabach strings.
Contact: [email protected]

My Interests


Member Since: 7/29/2008
Band Website: under development
Band Members: Nicholas Schuller
Influences: Jordi Savall, Daniel Barenboim, Keith Jarrett, Mark Rothko, John Cage, Lou Harrison, Merce Cunningham, Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Marin Marais, F. Couperin, J. P. Rameau, Lully, J. Dowland, R. Lislevand, David Tanenbaum, Lawrence Ferrara, Dusan Bogdanovic, Mark Teicholz
Sounds Like: Early Music, Baroque Music, Renaissance Music, Modern Music, Experimental Music

Record Label: Sweet Street Studios
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

An excerpt from an interview with composer Jeff Holmes

 This is a portion of an interview with composer Jeff Holmes, a former colleague from the SF Conservatory.  Jeff's discussions and insight on music is interesting and something I thought would be nice...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 19:35:00 GMT