lovers, friends, dancing, drinking, outdoors, concerts, pugs,spanish, adderall, sleeping, seafood, hair,jewelry( not diamonds or pearls, i like eccentric, gaudy, and bohemian beads)water-swimming-sun-beach-sand,icehouse,red bull,nelly furtado,being outside at night, backwards diving, my british nana,libraries, jim, kelly's dad, taru the best damn finnish foreign exchange student,brad the lover of the female body,the lrr,my fucking heart,writing down thoughts, -my dad's voice, ephedrine, hilary's text messages,westminister,my sociology class-and classmates, happy memories that ease my mind, my sweetheart friend sarah who makes BEST friends everywhere we go, polygamy-not!,the late late nights at kelly's before we retire, buddhism,musicians,my HS days, big hugs, my other half, bff and lova jesse 2
madahoochie put on a sweeet show last thursday @ mojos!
my rents,my best friends-laura and kelly, and last but not least my boy jesse