A Clock Work Spam™ profile picture

A Clock Work Spam™

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

There's nothing special about me.
What More can i say?
I cange my about me more than you change your socks.
I'm pretty much in love.
I'll do anything for my friends.
Even the ones who live thousands of miles away.
I like to draw, and photograph.
I write.
I still chase the ice cream truck.
I still race for the best swing in the play ground.
I'm not going to try and impress you.
I'm still growing up.
I'm still learning.
I'll never be able to be happy with what i write here.
I drop a lot of stuff.
Sometimes I'm hyper.
Other time's I'll have you asking what's wrong with me.
I don't like when people worry about me.
I'm bound to beleive lies.
Pick me up.
Then throw me down.
It's nothing I'm not used to.
I've been let down.
I've been hurt.
I have a sence of humor.
I'm not your average person.
Although I may seem it.
I have AIM and MSN.
If I like you, you may have them.
I'm pretty shy, so if i dont respond, It's not you.
I'm a big texter.
I love getting stuff in the mail.
I have the tendency to act a different way to fit in.
It hurts when I hear shit going on behind my back.
I'm getting into things I shouldn't be.
When I say "rofl" I really am ROFLing.
I know i have my whole life to find someone.
I just want someone now to spend it with.
While I'm young.
There's more to remember.
I will always be the weird quiet girl.
You probably won't pay enough attention to me,
to know that inside, I'm asking for help.
I'm reaching out for the things I want.
I don't think I would go back to how I used to be.
I have never been anyone's first choice.
I'll listen to you because I care. Not because it's my job.
I'm waiting for the day where i can prove you all wrong.
My parents are not together.
I have a sister.
I love my cousins.
I'm not keeping my secrets anymore, they're keeping me.
Fuck the odds. I'm taking risks.

My Interests

Lol Good Times.

Adam: my nipple is hard
Adam: just my right one
Sam: lmao
Adam: oh nope. there goes the left one
Sam: haha wow

hahaha wow

Sam: I got cheese frrom tbe guy
Loosca: Cheese is gross.
Sam: Cheese makes me spell funny
Loosca: ROFL.
Loosca: Sure. blame it on the cheese.
Sam: It was the cheese
Loosca: That's what everyone says.
Sam: It does things to you
Loosca: Poor innocent cheese, being blamed for everything.
Sam: He'll live
Loosca: It's a he?
Sam: O-O yes v.v
Loosca: Wow. Did it have holes through it, like Swiss cheese?
Sam: What like if it jizzed right...and it went like EVERYWHERE cuz the holes
Loosca: ROFL. Omg. I so want a swiss cheese penis.
Sam: Lmfao
Loosca: I'd probably end up eating it though. Lmao.
Sam: But like what if the mouse came and it closed on his penis He's sxrewd Hcjuidfkern
Sam: Screwd*
Sam: Damn cheese
Loosca: screwed* .
Sam: It was the cheese
Loosca: Cheese grows back, it doesn't matter if a mouse trap decapitates it. Or like... mould would grow around whatevers left to replace the it.
Loosca: the it? Gawd. .
Loosca: Mouldy cheese penis. Hawt.
Sam: Oh yes.
Loosca: Does cheese, like... go off? I know it ends up mouldy and stuff... but does it ever get so old it just crumbles away? A penis crumbling away would be awful.
Sam: And like the pieces were all crusty
Loosca: If I had a cheese penis, I'd slice of bits when I got hungry. And eat penis with crackers.
Sam: Sounds nifty.
Loosca: Oh, it is it is.
Sam: Wouldn't it hurt the cheese? Like -slice-
Loosca: Cheese feels nothing. Cos it has no soul
Sam: D= Poor cheese


Bri:They work quick.
Sam:pft -strips- _
Bri:Someone say something intelligent.
Sam:the penis goes in the vagina..

I'd like to meet:

someone who can make my knees weak. someone who can make my heart race. someone who is worth talking to. someone whos not embarrased to be seen with me. someone who wont look back on something and think "what the hell was i thinking?". someone who will be themselfs. someone who ill be patient with me. someone who will suprise me. hug me from behind out of nowhere. someone who wont think about me all the time. someone who will not try and be the perfect one..someone who will disagree with me sometimes. There's never an akward moment. We'll never run out of things to say.
scream. me. a. love. song.
out of tune and off key.

Roxie boobies. :D. kso. uhm. *hack* sam.... is like the most uberly amazing friend everrrrrrr. yeah. and i have chalk on my hands right now and it's rubbing off on the keyboard, but oh wellz. anyhoo.... sam. yeah. she makes me like :DDDDDDDDD even when she's down. ((((:, i could never be mad at her

I've searched high and I've searched low

I've gone everywhere there is to go

But another one I do not see.

For you're the only Sam for me!

You're funny, you're hawt, you're just plain great!

You're my Sammehkins! My favorite mate!

You da koolest kid, I swear its true

And I'm honestly glad that I met you

When I'm with you, I feel fine and dandy

Dare I say it? ...you're better than candy!

Way better, you are the bomb no doubt

(and I'm Arab, so I know what I'm talkin about)

And so to you I'd like to say

I love you in each and every way!

Every day it grows more and more

I'm turning into a Sammeh whore!

But its okay cause I totally see...

That thats the best kinda whore to be


By: Donna
Christa There aren't any words to describe you.
Dani Soucheee! So this is Dani. Not to be confused with Danneh, cause people like to do that. Sammy is my souchee, as I am hers and Souchee is basically amazing =D She somehow knows everything o.O Its quite sketchy, but she's like the TS gossip person. If you need to know something, she's there.She is one of the few people I need to see in my life, and she leaves pretty messages on my phone when she knows its not gonna be on =D Their enjoyable. Either way, I love my Soucheee =D She's amazing, and everyone who doesn't know her is sad =[ Very very sad. Cause she's that fucking great.Jess Sam is a girl that I love so very much. She is awesome, funny, and beautiful. She can be emo sometimes..but it's her weird way of being charming :]. When I really need to talk to someone, she's there, and when she needs anything, she knows I'm here. I will always be here. This girl is amazing, donchu mess with her _. She is a totally awesome friend and I'm so glad that she has graced me with her presence. I love her to death..you better, too.Jay Erm. Hello. This is. Erm. Jay. And I am hacking Sammeh aka my kitteh's MySpace page. YAY ME ! ^_^ (And I would like to thank my sponsors for all of the endorsements they have sent me.) ROFL. Um.. well what can I say about.. erm.. who's page is this again ? OHHH. Sammeh's. XDD. Well.. what I can say about the gal ? -tips hat politely- Well.. erm.. SHE'S MY KITTEH ! And erm.. my favorite kitteh in the whole world. So yeah. You kitteh stealers BACK OFF. Um yeah. She's sweet and adorable.. and fun to talk to. Cuz she listens. I love kitteh's like that, don't you ? Baha. NEWAISE. Yeah. I'm still not used to this hacking thing... I learned off of Youtube SHHHH. XD But yeah. She's an awesome chick that everyone should know and if you don't too bad you're a fuckface. Haha. Just kidding. Well. My hacking time is done. Off I go.. (Erm.. will she read this ?) Baha. XDMikkeh Mwahaha.. hello =D. sorry it took me so long, really. _. not my fault.. blame curtis. o_o. lol anywho! sammeh, omg.. like, mic convo's, cam shows, all the talking, being there, jesus.. you're like, unbelieveably amazing, like you said, friends foreverr iiight? lol i'll hold you too it ;P. you were there with me through like, all the shit i've had these past months, i'll always be here for you :] i love you sammeh :] jejeje ♥Davviiee i luff you sammie Secret lover your my bestest best friend -Davey-xoxox p.s OMFBriii WOO SAMSAMSAM! I fxing love you kid, you're the bestest. We're the pioneers of SQUEE and our ranbdom babblings about nothing in particular are awesome. You're great, and one day I will drive to where the fuck ever in ze US and A you are and we will hang out and SMASH OUT CAR WINDOWS. =D -Bonerrr?Cruzz OK SAMMEH UR PROFILE HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN HACKED. LOL. I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT YOU! YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING PEOPLE I HAVE EVER MET IN THIS CYBER WORLD. WE'VE HAD SO MANY GOOD TIMES AND A LOT OF LAUGHS. WHEN I FEEL DOWN AND FEEL LIKE NOBODY LOVES ME OR REMEMBERS ME...YOU MAKE ME FEEL LOVED AND YOU MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT. YOU ARE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS AND I CAN'T WAIT TO HANG OUT WITH YOU ONE DAY. WE WOULD HAVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER. IT'S HARD TO FIND GOOD FRIENDS LIKE YOU NOW-A-DAYS AND I AM VERY THANKFUL TO HAVE MET YOU. EVEN THOUGH SOMETIMES I FEEL UNDESERVING OF YOUR FRIENDSHIP. I KNOW YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR ME! I LOVE YOU SAMMEH!
Hacked By Dabbu: Where do I start with you? I don’t think there is a place good enough for me to start because I don’t think I could ever put into words how I feel about you, How amazing you are. You were the first person to ever give me a chance in teenspot and we talked and talked and talked and I swear I was glad that we did start talking because I’d be so lost without you. You mean a heck of a lot to me. And the past couple of days we’ve been getting closer. I meant everything I said in that letter I really did. I mean everything I’ve ever said to you. Whether its been when I’m drinking or whether I’ve been completely sober. I’m proud to call you a friend and a hero. We’ve been through a lot of stuff together and we’re still standing here screaming ‘fuck the world’ and the best thing about it? We’re doing it together. We’re facing things together. Maybe one day I’ll tell you how much I love you, but right now words are getting the better of me and I just cant find the right words to express my feelings towards you. You’ll always be the Sabbu to this Dabbu no matter what. I .promise.promise.promise. you that I will always be here for you no matter what happens. You’re an amazing friend, Your beautiful inside and out, your have such a great personality. And whoever ever says anything different I will one day kick their asses for you. I promise. Love you forever and always okay?
That means no matter what.
(I love you forever and always no matter what happens between us I promise I will always be here.) Much Love.
Dabbu. (Danni if you ever forget =P)
Alex SAMMEH POO!! This is Alex or most commonly known as Atom...
Sammeh your like OMGAH amazing, when i met you i was like ehh just another dumb teeny bopper. Then i noticed you and I started talking more and in time i found out your just like my friends back home bwuahaha! We can be on the phone and not talk about anything for hours and then well justjump out with something like LOOK MY HAIR xD (extensions) lol...and omg your just hilarious like that one day you just opened up you cam i had to laugh when i saw that panda mask on you ROFLMFAO, and then talking about me wanting a penguin one HA!! Youpretty much are like a long distant best friend, and i can trust you with anything when im sad you will go through unimaginable lengths to make me happy, hell you even take me grocery shopping with you!! Lol then again i take you to the bathroom with me XD, i can't live without you in my life your my sista from anotha mista!!! You rock my effing socksand my boxers ^_^ _you have been hacked_all i have to say is DUCKY I ♥ YOU!!! Julian Hiii XD this ish Julian totally hacking Sammeh's myspace page. Im like radically awesome that way!! Sammeh ish amazing and MY FUTURE WIFEY cuz we ish getting married in Mexico.. Booya


Avenged Sevenfold,
The Academy Is...,
Fall Out Boy,
30 Seconds to Mars,
Bullet For My Valentine,
My Chemical Romance,
System of a Down,
Hawthorne Heights,
Linkin Park,
Panic! At The Disco,
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus,
The Racontuers,
Angels and Airwaves,
Green Day,
3 Days Grace,
Pink Spiders,
The Ramones,
Papa Roach,
The Bloodhound Gang,
Quiet Riot,
Ozzy Osbourne,
Black Sabbath,
Iron Maiden,
The Smashing Pumpkins,
Rise Against,
The Plain White T's,
Lamb Of God,
Hello Goodbye,
Motley Crue,
Red Hot Chili Peppers,
Franz Ferdinand,
Armor For Sleep


- dilweed was here - 2/6/08
Hey whats ^ this is dilweed on samweed's page haha,
yes i hacked it... anyway sam your pretty amazing
and an awsome friend! I love talking to you on the
phone and moaning . lmao.. cough.. but yeah
anyway your always there and I feel special now
because i have my own little box on your page! O.o

- Dillweeed.

lol a little more to add to that. o.O but dillon is amazing. no doubt about it. hes always there for me when i need to talk and when i do he listens.playing halo and swearing at little 12 year olds what good times huh? no moment is ever boring with you dillweed...maybe a little akward but you know w/e. lol dillon is like the cheese to my macaroni. hes plain and simply awesome. lofe you lots


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i read a lot. list a few favorites?
twilight, new moon, eclipse
InkHeart, InkSpell
Dark Tower Series
the spell book of listen taylor
among the hidden series
ttyl, ttfn, l8r g8r
Marked/ Betrayed
Uglies/ Pretties /Specials
Honey Baby Sweet Heart
Harry Potter
the truth about forever
this lullaby
the farey reel
tithe/iron side
the kite runner/ a thousand burning suns
the historian
what my mother dosent know
dream land

MySpace Layouts MySpace Layouts
MySpace Codes
MySpace Backgrounds


My SoulSibling Oli: .. Errmm ok ! .. ^_^; This is a Mr Oliver Thompson

I think Spam is like.. . ^_^;; And that's pretty fucking mint, ^_^ She's beautiful, and smart, and understanding and derserves like... . No doubt fool, ^_^;;; She's like ... Fr3$h till D34th y0 ^_^;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Olii Hearts Her, Like.. .. ... A fat child. Hearts the site of 7 tubs of Ben and Jerrys ice cream.... ^_^;;; Spamm spamm spammalot

My Blog


.. .. .. .....
Posted by A Clock Work Spam™ on Sat, 03 May 2008 06:30:00 PST