hYaNnIs profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

hYaNnIs HyAnNiSi'M qUiEt At FiRsT bUt oNCe u g0t t taLk wiTh mE... i'M s0 mAkuLit aS iN s0 maNy St0riEs 2 TeLl...i loVe t0 eAt...g0 oN giMmiCks...sHopPinG, sh0PpiNg aNd Sh0pPinG... i uSuAllY g0 oUt oF toWn wiTh fRiEnDz... m0sT oF mY fRienDz sAy tHaT i'M a sWeEty peRsoN, c0'z i lYk to giVe sHorT n0TeS... anD hAs mY oWn WaY oF maKinG tHeM sMiLe =)

My Interests

go out of town, partying, sleeping, watching movies, eating, shopping, kulitan & harutan, hanging out with friendz

I'd like to meet:

n_i_c_e p_e_o_p_l_e


spiderman, kill bill vol. 1&2, american pie, harry potter, daredevil


fifth_wheel, blind_date, for_love_or_money, mr._bean, nick_channel, myx, meet_my_folks, art_attack


archie, chicken_soup, pupung, pugad_baboy


spiderman, x-men, hulk, hell_boy, catwoman, superman, batman, justice_league