RÃ¥quelâ„¢ profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'd give anything for people to see how beautiful life is like I do. I wish I was more approachable...not less weird....I will put everything out there about me, and let you make up your mind about what kind of person I am.... I'm not like anyone you will ever come acrossed.... I have nightmares constantly.... I have way too many feelings then I need.....I can honestly say I love my life, its been a long hard road but I finally made it....... It takes a lot to intrigue me.....The most beautiful thing in this life is the rawness of a person and their own song, making their own discovery through their writing, its so honest and true. My honesty and vulnerability gets me mistakenly in trouble... I hate people who are only breathers....people who don't affect anything or anyone...... Peoples first impression of me are always wrong....I'm not as bad of a person as everyone thinks.... I'm a huge gay rights activist..... I would go to jail for life if I saw them be mean to an animal or child..... I love to laugh and do it often..... I think being dorky is fun....I LOVE toilet humor...... I get spooked easily, I cry when i'm scared.... I wish I was God for a day....I wish I could take a walk with every single person on earth, and listen to what they really have to say.... I wish I had more to say sometimes.... I need closure or I dwell.... I love being touched....I'm a risk taker and say damn the consequences....I hate judgemental people....Gossip is for people with no lives.....I'm proud of who I am and the company I keep.... I hate daytime TV..... I would die without my electric blanket..... I plan on making my name come out of every single persons mouth.....My madness is just my instabilites put to good use.....'Put me in a tank filling up with water with five enemies. While you all quickly befriend each other and panic trying to think of a way to work together and escape, i'll push every single one of you under water and climb out over your bodies.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

If i could meet anyone it'd be GOD (if there is one) and ramble off countless questions of why so much hurt and sorrow to the innocent, then ask if there was something i could do to help. Then I'd probably bitch slap him/her for being an ass!!!! If that wasn't possible i'd like to meet myself in 20 years to see if i accomplished anything worthy. Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own! Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com!

My Blog


A human being, what is it, and how do you treat it?Uncertainty leads to insecurity, insecurity leads to uncertainty. A never ending cycle that will damn you to all that's ugly.Parts of memory you want...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:08:00 GMT

From Death to Rebirth

She kneeled down on her last breath. With nothing left to give and nothing left to take.Her scars she wears for all to see are nothing but the mascara that runs down her face. Her screams aren't silen...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 08:15:00 GMT

A soulmates note

I woke up to find this note next to me, it tells our story beautifully.To my one and only, the girl whose love surrounds me. My only shining light, remember our first night?You collapsing on the chair...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 10:35:00 GMT

The war within

It's dark, dirty. It's the sickening pain that tugs at the throat. It's the violent out burst to just end it all. The battle of black and white. It's the plummet to rock bottom. The fall that ruins ho...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 09:56:00 GMT

Reveal Yourself

What's your secret, do tell the images that dance in your mind. Peel off the layers, but gently, reveal your victim. Play the sad symphony that runs through your soul when the world leaves you weak. O...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 06:45:00 GMT

Tell Me How To Stop Grieving You

Tell me when I said good-bye you truely knew how much I love you.. Tell me that it didn't hurt when you crashed at the house and your passing was peaceful.. Tell me I didn't fail everybody trying...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:44:00 GMT

Look into my eyes

Follow me, Take step by step with me to a place where your imagination is minimal compared to reality. Dance with me to a land where when greated, everything you've ever wished for is instantly handed...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:39:00 GMT

Would you stop hating me...

Would you stop hating me...      If I let my natural hair color grow out and lacked product in it..   Would you stop hating me...       If I didn't want to tell...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 23:34:00 GMT

What if.....

What do you look at... Do you just see the appealing form that satisfies a natural need or do you see the tragic smirk that is used  to cover up a devistaiting reality? Do you just see the simple...
Posted by on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 06:07:00 GMT