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Dj, House, Techno, Club, Dreamer, Drinker, Outgoing, Shy, Interesting, Spontaneous, UC Berkeley, San Francisco, Los Angeles, I love sleeping on my couch more than my bed, broken needle, broken headphones, dusty records, priceless music, Cabo Cantina, South Beach Miami, Rio De Janeiro, Carnaval,Mykonos, Red Bull, dogs, movies, embarrassing people, VERY LOUD NOISES, Remedy - San Francisco, Deep - LA, Los Angeles Lakers, Fat Burger, Silent, inspiration of confidence, over - under achiever, button down dress shirts (without stripes), solid colors, dont own a pair of tennis shoes, dress shoes, suits, dont like ties though, bartenders of the female persuasion, happy hour, breakfast hour, no work fridays, passionate, disconnected, lost, happy but not content, music, soul, freedom, house, dj, me!"No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There
is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us
marching and makes us more alive than the others." ~Martha Graham