The yeti's. Mine and Staceys disgusting dancing. Being inappropriate. The Marc Jacobs stam bag(it will be mine!). My bestfriends. Holidays. Dresses. Linking arms with Lizzie. Shopping and bargain hunting. Starbucks. my laptop. The summer. Attracting the weirdest guys in the world. Hugs. Fancy Dress. Naughty texts. Deep and meaningfulls with complete strangers. Guitar Hero. Sunny beer gardens. Visual Merchandising. short shorts. The beach being my back garden.
Cute girlfriends to go shopping and discuss guys with & people who can put up with me wanting to play guitar hero for hours on end even though im awful!skate for cancer: ..
I will always be listening to: Death Cab For Cutie. City and Colour. The Starting Line. Fall Out Boy. Anberlin. Taking Back Sunday. Brand New. New Found Glory.
My family & friends are my heroes.
Shipwrecked, Next top model anything, Pushing Daises, Girls of the playboy mansion.
"I'm one of these girls that tries to have zero regrets. I feel you should not look back, you should make the most of every single day, wake up & smile & move on. I try not to dwell on failure."