Almost no one because humanity is mean and corrupt, a liar blinded by its own deception, yet cunning within the confines of its ignorance. And humanity is weak, and yet strong in its weakness, for humanity by its cunning can suck the strength from the truely strong and bring them down with it. And humanity breeds death, the death of the soul and gives life to the torturous conflicts of the mind in which the soul has trapped itself. And humanity sustains whomever will maintain the corruption and decay which are its life blood. And humanity destroys all that promises to bring the spirit of purity and oust corruption. And humanity charms with a sweet facade which hides a treacherous heart. And humanity talks of love, and leaves the scars of hatred in its wake. And humanity cries peace and brings war. And humanity speaks of glory and a magnificent destiny, and leads deeper into death and degradation. And humanity is brimfull of promises and so-called good intentions, yet behind it is a trail of abject failure and betrayal.And humanity is afraid for it and is steeped in evil... And as with all things, by its fruit we shall know humanity. And humanity's fruits are foul, bruised and bitter, and rotten to the core. And humanity's home is the earth and the earth is Hell. Now there is nothing more evil in the universe than man.... His world is Hell, and he himself is the Devil......