My family , my future wife ,my friends , my band , my other family G.A.M.C,good times and good friends........and always...HARDCORE
I've met a lot of people that have left me speeachless.....real people!!
but if there are some more.....I'll be here
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everything that is real , and has something to offer as an individual, this is something that untill now, I've only found in hardcore bands...I wont waste time listing them because everybody has them on their lists....BUT I REALLY THINK THAT THESE NEXT BANDS DESERVE ALL THE RESPECT.............LIFE OR DEATH ,EVERYMAN FOR HIM SELF,MORE THAN WORDS, IN MY HEART,NEVERLOOKDOWN.TIEMPO DE AFRONTAR,SOLDIER,ALGUNA VEZ FUI CIEGO, 24/7,INFAMIA,NUNCAMAS,DIA DE CAMBIO,THE UPRISING A.D,BUMBKLLAT.....................THE LIST IS FUCKING BIG SO SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL FICKING BANDS
El arracadas, el mocha orejas, el chupakabras,ya te cargo el payaso,por tus pujidos,y toda la gama de peliculas mexicanas sin olvidar la epoca de oro del santo contra todos los hijos de puta monstruos existentes en este planeta
I dont like T.V, I preffer to write and listen to music, and if I want to see T.V. I put on a family guy D.V.D
Any person that walks with their heads tall...and deserve to do so..