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negative people are such losers!

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Welcome to My Space...underconstruction..

Name: ...Ande "ahnday"... Age: ...23... Location: back in hawaii... life.with.. I am an average kid who likes to "LIVE.LIFE".
you can find me wandering everywhere, enjoying everything and anything that comes my way.
no matter where life takes me
I always leave an impression on someone or everyone
I only have one major goal in life.
to make a name for myself, I am going to be the best in whatever I do.
I am going to leave behind a legacy, whenever my journey ends.

average kid.spontaneous.weird.funny.

January 20, 2007
I cant wait to move back to California, I just had to say that.
I've been getting really mixed emotions from others about me leaving. Some are happy, some are sad, and some don't care!=). I have mixed emotions about it as well , but again I need to take opportunities as they come. I don't want to live a comfortable life just yet, that wouldn't do me justice. I feel that I need to go out there and experience and meet people. I might done exploring the world, the cultures and all that those things that makes us individuals. I know that my "adventures" will help me in the future and help me understand how are minds work and why we react to things differently. I guess you can say I am doing research because I want to to work with people but I want to learn what moves them, only then can i become an all around person that knows how to manage a business or whatever life brings to me. California is a good start. LA the place where dreams come true. There are a majority of people here trying to make it big or trying to survive. There Drive to Survive keeps me going, and if I can help in anyway than I am satisfied.
"Life opens many doors for us. The sad thing is many of us just stand in a room full open doors waiting for someone to tell us where to go. Its takes a strong individual to enter those doors and experience its failures and rewards, to decipher which path was destined for us."
I told someone this the other day. She wants to move to LA to get notice and get her big break. She is amazing her voice is one of a kind. But she is still here on Maui. I call Maui, "The Land of Broken Dreams". So many of my friends and family have dreams but are afraid to leave the nest and fly. To feel how it feels to have a taste of freedom, being independent, owning you own sh*t. A lot of people everywhere kinda just settled for what they have. I know not everyone is like this but I say, "If you have a dream, then go and fly. Do not be one of those I shoulda, coulda, but then I didn't" You can always come back home, because home is where the heart is.
change subject time. I watched "Stomp the yard." this evening. I have to say I liked it. The dancing and story line was good. Acting OK. There are a lot of movies that have bad acting or average acting but do so good in the box office because they talk about everyday things that people go through; struggle, love, parents. I believe it gives people courage and a sense of relief to know how someone handled a certain situation because any of us at any given time can be faced with something similar. Not just this movie, but movies in general.


January 6, 2007
I am going back to California.
Not a lot of you know but I am moving back to California. I am so excited but sad at the same time. But I need to take opportunities as they come. I am going to be living at Emerald Ridge in Garden Grove, i think. I am going to have two room mates Scott and Steven. Our apartments is two story, a loft on top. two bedroom and two bath, I am not sire who is going two live where or all that good stuff But I have to call Scott. My cousin Sherry is leaving today sad right. Oh and I still feel SICK, really SICK. So everyone is leaving the island of Maui...Sherry-Oahu, Ema-CA, Long Beach, Weng-CA, Santa Ana. exciting right. well to all my MAUI peeps, ALWAYS REMEMBER..NEVER FORGET!

January 3, 2007
I just came back from the doctors office. I have bronchitis sad right. Well I am off until friday, yay for me. My medication that I am taking has some serious side effects. I am kind of hesistant in taking any of them but I know I have to take them to get better so I will pull through and take them and see what happens, I hope nothing bad happens.
My cousin's want to go out tonight and I am kind of battling whether or not I should go out. I know that I need the rest but I do want to go out. They want to go to Casanova's, It is an upcountry club...Kind of ghetto not that it is in country but just that it is in area where there isn't a night life, so everything is close just for that club.
I am at the Sioson's house, I am going to eat dinner here. They make the best food here. Nothing compares to my Mom's cooking though. She has been sick for awhile though so she hasn't been cooking her famous meals for awhile.
I just receved a call from my bro back in Cali, Scott. And he has great news he found an apartment down in Cali for us to live. So I might be moving back to California sooner than I thought. The place is located on Euclid and Chapman. Ill give you more updates. Im so excitied!
Random Pick Of the Day:

January 2, 2007
Literally. I started of the year being sick. I hate it. I usually dont get sick that often. When I do get sick, I get really sick; chronic cough, runny nose, puffed eyes, body aches, it gets pretty nasty. On a lighter note, Ema, Sherry and I went to Cesar's birthday party at house. We arrived late though, but we still had fun. We went to Safeway to get him a gift, the gift included: Fat Bastard Chardonnay, crackers and a single rose. Corny right. Eb made this really good cheesecake concoction. After the party we did what all us MAUIans did, put some mellow music and cruise. That was a blast. That is one of my favorite activities because you get the best conversations and the best memories. When I got home I couldn't go to bed so I watched a movie. I watched Nanny McPhee on HBO. Such a good movie.

Jan. 01, 2007
H A P P Y N E W Y E A R!

i freakin' love my family...
pic g-ma.( INANG )

Dec. 28, 2006
MySpace! addict!
I can not believe how addict I am to myspace. It first started out as a thing that my friends and I got so we could communicate with each other. I hardly ever went on it, but when I moved to California it all changed. I was so busy all the time, the fast life of a city I guess. I was making friends left and right, working crazy hours and days I didn't even know what day of the week it was. I always had something to do everyday. So the only way to communicate with my friends in Hawaii was to go on Myspace. First, it started out little message here and there a few greetings then it became this whole entire thing where I visited it every single day. I have had my Myspace for quite awhile now. I first got it back in 2001 and now its 2006 and I still have my freakin' Myspace. what the hell right. Well I have gotten all crazy on it. I have customized it and everything what the hell I am so freakin addicted. I know LAME right!
Well the things I do on myspace:
-I like to look at other peoples myspace ( friends, family and whoever) I have found out so many things about people that way. Who's getting married, who's pregnant, and whatever else.
-I also like to look at other peoples comments and read what they have been upto.
-This myspace has even become a place where you can invite friends to parties and have your music heard and all that...
Freaking Crazy.
Slow Life vs. Fast Life
If I had to choose I would choose the Fast Life. I guess because I am still young and I feel that I have more to offer out there than somewhere where everyone is stuck in there old fashion ways. I have always dubbed hawaii as a simple place. Families and Neighbors now every move you take. Every mistake you make. Maui especially has its up and downs as to any other city out there. The life here would be cool to me I guess if I was okay with what I have now. I love that my friends that I have had for many years live here and we can hangout like theres is no tomorrow and relive our rebellious high school years. I love that my family is here and I can watch the kids grow up and experience all the different things that happen in there lives. I love that everyone here is so chill and relaxed. Stress free people, I guess thats where I get my laid back attitude from. But, since I moved away from home when I was 17 I have experienced a different way of living. A fast moving, hustle and bustle of the city. I lived in Oahu, I know many of you dont consider this as "fast living" but it was, for three years and I have lived in California for 2 years. I am anxious to move back to California and have the life that I had there. I love the fact that my schedule was always filled and that I always had somewhere to go. I loved that I got to meet so many people. I loved that I experienced hardships and different situations that do not happen to many people. But the one thing that I long and loved was that everything that I had in each of the cities was that I owned everything in my apartments and that I had my own schedule and the one thing that I loved the most was
some of my friends and I have said,"I would rather be living in a dump with freedom, than living in a mansion with out it." Do not get me wrong I love my parents. They have taught me many things but my parents are really strict and they have different views from the views that I have.
The feeling of freedom is so good: I can wait to taste it again.
testimonials from friendster: its from way back!:

Dec. 27, 2006
So, Christmas is over. I cannot wait to move off this island..I hope its sooner than I think. My nephews first birthday is on the way, this saturday to be exact. and the new year is coming up. I cant wait for different adventures to happen. The best thing I am off on New Years Day and I work till 7pm on New Years Eve. Righetous ( who says that). Well Life up until now is pretty good. The only thing holding me down, is moving. I know that there is more for me out there and more for me too experience. I am so sad to leave my family and friends once again, but I am afraid that I missing out on something if I stay. I have no baggage right now and nothing is holding me back. I can transfer to as many starbucks as I want.( even though I dont think I will do that.)

Dec. 19, 2006
Its almost Christmas and haven't even wrapped any of my presents how sad right. Well the good news is that I might be moving soon hopefully I cant wait to get off this rock, AGAIN! its not that I hate Maui, but I am not done with my partying! I am still young and I still have to experience more and I miss my homies back in CA. gotta go to work...and work that frapp blender..hahhahaha working out this weekend. Hopefully I stick to it.
hashkan Ande.

December 17, 2006
Christmas Time

Its Christmas! and in case you didn't know this is one of my favorite holidays ever. Its the last holiday where you can sum up everything you have done in the year and thank the people that you have met along the way by giving them gifts. Speaking about gifts I came home last night and my mother bought me these sick element boots with redyellowgreen shoe laces ( she always knows what to buy ), I LOVE HER.
The year has been good to me, I moved back from CA earlier this year and got good jobs and meet new people, re-kindled old friendships. I had a good time.
I always do though. I live a pretty crazy life.
i dont keep negative people around me, so I am never mad
I guess you can say I can read people, I always push them to there limits
when I am out, I always try to have fun
I always treat people how they want to be treated.
I like getting into deep conversations over coffee and smoking a cigg.
The number one thing that I always keep in my mind when ever I am with my friends, family , anyone is,
Keep postive, relax , have a good time.
You get mad,cry you die faster.
And if you feel uncomfortable you dont have to stay.
rambling i know.
what i want for christmas: GIFT CARDS.....MONEY....MYSECRET BOOK..... A GOOD BOOK...A MUG (a nice one..........MOVE BACK TO CALI...or a oahu......PAY MY DEBT OFF!!!!

July 22, 2006
losing weight So for the past three weeks I've been on this weight loss mission. The progress has been great I have lost weight and I cant wait to loose more. Where I go walking/jogging is so beautiful the path the scenery is breathtaking. A couple of days ago I saw a peacock just roaming around. The park has like three soccer fields, a skate park, a botanical garden, and at the one of the corners there is a Y. It is located in the middle of kahului. Hey anyone want to join me. I think I am going to sign up for the gym here, Golds gym or maybe 24-hour I am unsure yet whatever gives the best rates I guess. My brother has been working out too. I get so jealous of him, he is thin and built and looks like one of those beach guys and heres me fat with rolls. (his on my friends list) but one these days. I am just thankful he supports me instead not supporting me, and he is younger than me just a junior in HIGH SCHOOl. sheesh. oh well .. Since its just been three weeks since I have been doing this, there are no dramatic results but I can see slight differences and I am not as tired or lazy anymore.

Feb 23, 2006
it's funny how people look at each other and start categorizing them into their own personal prefrences...bam! road trip buddies..the saga will continue!

Feb 22, 2006
Do you believe in heaven or hell?
"Do i belive in heaven or hell?" My roommate and I had a long talk tonight about such a question. Yes, i do believe that there is a higher power. My faith in God has always been a question in my life. Right now I have faith, but I do not believe that there is a certain fate for me. I belive that we create our own destiny and that we have choices in life. I dont believe in Heaven or Hell. I believe in Life. I have been through so many things that the only conclusion that I can come up with right now is this. Life is my faith, Life is my belief. My Hell is my past, my failures, all the negative things that I have chosen to do in it. My Heaven is my future, my success, my happiness. I live my life going towards my heaven. I set my self up with the choices that I make in my life to guarantee that I live in heaven, My happiness. I never look towards hell i always put my hell behind me and my future, heaven in front of me. My life will go on a journey and i will take steps towards heaven. I am not sure that this makes sense but its late and yeah.
PAST + SUCCESS + FAILURES + =HELL.....[ L I F E ] DREAMS+ GOALS+ HAPPINESS + =HEAVEN. oh and i forgot to mention that my room mate is turning himself in tommorrow to the police. long story nothing bad, just alot of stuff in his past that he is trying to make a difference in life and I am happy for him.

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts


go to ( everything moved there...... ...emailme:[email protected]

I am so happy! I love David. I'll never give up on you!! "[email protected]"
contact AIM - ahnday21
E-mail [email protected]
Myspace KILLS your SOUL! it will ruin your life...GO OUT AND EXPLORE THE WORLD....okay..that is all...WE ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN EFFECT CHANGE IN THE WORLD...LOVE YOUR SELF...really!!! LOVE YOURSELF! children.....dont categorize one cares what race..what religion...what sexual orientation..YOU ARE...all you have is your YOURSELF..that is all..okay...BYE bxtches..CHECK OUT MY

My Blog

trying to lose weight

    So for the past three weeks I've been on this weight loss mission. The progress has been great I have lost weight and I cant wait to loose more.    Where I go walking...
Posted by . on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 04:10:00 PST


it's funny how people look at each other and start categorizing them into their own personal prefrences...bam! road trip buddies..the saga will continue!
Posted by . on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 08:19:00 PST

"do you believe in heaveb or hell?"

"Do i belive in heaven or hell?"     My roommate and I had a long talk tonight about such a question. Yes, i do believe that there is a higher power. My faith in God has always been a q...
Posted by . on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 01:53:00 PST

so im going home

i m going home. How scary is that...i will be back to the MAINLAND i need to save up money right now...and i like this song thats on my profile..thnk you chriisy..
Posted by . on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 01:46:00 PST


Horoscope Drinking Styles ARIES Impulsive Aries people like to party and sometimes don't know when to call it a night. Their competitive streak makes them prone to closing-time shot contests. Th...
Posted by . on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST