I'm so glad you said that, she whispered to me. I knew you still had a chance.I am missing my family and Northern Michigan!!!Disclaimer: If you are a smoker....I am NOT!!!!If you are under 35 I don't want to chat, sorry! NO married men!! No Baptist..they re too far out for this Republican Catholic girl. Lutheran would be great and anything in between.Type I diabetic for 40 years, insulin pump for 8 years. I am brutally honest and upfront. Usually don't hold in things that need to be held in which gets me into trouble.I love my cats. I have been around WAY to many untrained dogs. Untrained dogs are like children. Adorable when little but at 4 they are HORRIBLE.I need a man that understands respect. Toward people and things. I need a man who is in touch with his
God, like my parents. Rest doesn't matter no matter how "wonderful" it all seems."....I think the whole world is filled with signs, but if there is no laughter, I know it's not for me" ~Brian AndreasI am not looking for a random sexual relationship. Come'on guys! We hear it all, be open and share, see if we can be friends and THEN lets see where it goes. There are girls on here that will give it up to anyone, if that is what you want, I am not one of them!My folks are so opposite. My mom is the accountant city girl who loves to read. She gets up first thing and showers, does her hair, gets dressed. My dad is the back woods outdoorsy type. He falls asleep when he reads. He is DEDICATED to Young and Restless and when they are in Texas he loves the History channel. My mom subscribes to like 30 magazines. Her check book is never off by a penny. She is a wonderful cook, gains weight by smelling it and dad is slender. She snores, he drops to sleep at a drop of a hat. she says, what will people think, he says, what do you think. They are bound by their religion, we are Catholic. Their family and moral beliefs. How they handle money, problems relating to work, family. Their ideals about family. She is dressed perfectly, he has on brown socks, navy pants and a black jacket, she dresses him even his underwear and belt. I can see where I get my bits and pieces from.How I got from Michigan to Texas: ...my senior year of college was sitting in the local townie bar, Christmas break (I got a month off, all my friends got 2 weeks) with a girlfriend and it is SNOWING outside. I look around and we know everyone and their mothers and baby brothers and aunts and grandfathers and I looked at her and said I am going to move to Texas. She puts down her beer and says I am going too! So I was planning on being a a 1.5 year senior and thought I can finish up. So went back to college and talked to counselors and changed classes around. I ended up staying there through the summer and working since I needed like 12 more credits but I got it done. (Yes changing majors a few times does hurt). We got here September 10th and the next day I turned 22! We are both still here and she is married with a child. Oddly enough I only see her when we are both back in our hometown together..
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