Super Sarah Lizzy profile picture

Super Sarah Lizzy

I like pervy wizards! The Legal kind thank you!

About Me

My name is Sarah, I rock. I love rock and roll. I love the Sacramento Kings even during the bad years (like this last year sheesh!). I love Movies, Photography, Shoes especially pretty ones. I am obsessed with anything checkerboard, I really don't know why. I enjoy going to shows and spending time with friends. Goals in life in no order are to be a cinematographer or editor, get married, live in San Francisco or Bay Area , Finish up my BA and get a MA, get season tickets to the Sacramento Kings, write a screenplay and or book, pay off all my credit card debit pay back my father, and sing in little dive bars to old 80's rock tunes. I work at Bath and Body Works, pretty good shit I get to pimp myself out and sell shower gel all day long. I also want to have a bloodhound and name him Vlade. I say hella and Yo! way to much. :) Oh and I met my Idol ... Mutha Freakin' Billy Corgan!
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Take the quiz: "What 80's Metal Band are you? (with pics)"

Motely Crue
Motley Crue. Poofy hair, make-up, spandex and leather, you are the typical 80's band. Those who hear your music know not to be fooled by the image. Despite all the show, you rock.

My Interests

Basketball, Music, People, OLD SKOOL Chevy Impalas, Photography, Concerts, Useless Knowledge, Film (Cinema) oh and bad tasteless movies

I'd like to meet:

The Infamous Beavis and Butthead

Snoop D-o-double-g you see!

Tommy "I'm the greatest drummer ever" Lee

Trent F***ing AMAZING Reznor

One of my Idols Miss World herself Courtney Love

Mr. "I'm the Man" Joe Jackson

My other Idol Debbie Gibson!!


The Greatest 3 piece Bay Area band Green Day

The Best Music Video Director EVER!!! Mark Romanek

The hetero-lifemates Jay and Silent Bob!


basically anything circa 95 or older on rare occasion I like newer stuff but really just ask me.


Movies: A Mighty Wind, Almost Famous, Best In Show, Clerks, Dogma, Drop Dead Goregous, Edward Scissorhands, Empire Records, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Ghost World, High Fidelity, Mallrats, Nights of Cabiria, North By Northwest, Philadelphia Story, Psycho, Sabrina (both versions), Saved, Say Anything, Secretary, The Godfather Trilogy, The Who's Tommy, Tommy Boy, Valley Girl, Vertigo, West Side Story
Directors: Cameron Crowe, Brian DePalma,Federico Fellini, Amy Heckerling, Alfred Hitchcock, John Hughes, Stanley Kubrick, Sam Raimi, Kevin Smith, John Waters
Actors/Actresses: Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore, Matthew Broderick, John Cusack, Matt Damon, Johnny Depp, David Duchovny, Kirsten Dunst, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Kate Hudson, Steve Martin, Matthew McConaughey, Mike Meyers, Jack Nicholson, Edward Norton, Sean Penn, Molly Ringwald, Adam Sandler, James Spader, Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Robin Williams, Reese Witherspoon


Arrested Development, Carnivale, Nip/Tuck, Reno 911, Scrubs, Sex and the City, Super Milk Chan, That 70's Show, The Simpsons, The X-Files, The Venture Brothers...yadda yadda... basically I like television, which helps when you are a video production major!


Brave New World, Shakespeare's Macbeth, Tommyland, Cheezy kids books. Authors like Jennifer Cruise and Janet Evanovich


My pops, my mom, my uncle Garry, my teddy bear Bruno, Joe Jackson, Billy Corgan, Courtney Love, Debbie Gibson, Lit, Tori Amos, Mark Romanek, My homies, The Sacramento Kings

My Blog

Just call me my fathers daughter...

So far some of you have read my bulletin the other day about how I need a name for my radio show. Well I am still looking for one. Here's my thing I thought I was clever enough to come up with a show...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 06:11:00 PST

Things Are...

They are getting progressively better I think. I am starting my fourth week of CSUF. I really like it, aside for the ridiculous parking situation it's pretty great. I'm really happy at the school, the...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:26:00 PST

It's gonna be alright, I guess.

So yeah, there are some good things going on con-currently with some bullshit too. So should I intertwine the good with the bad or should I do a list of good and bad. Hmm dunno.Anyways so today was no...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:26:00 PST

Optimistic....maybe?? is the eve of June Sale at BBW, seriously it's when the freaks come out. "Is this on sale?" Lady the whole goddamn store is on sale! No the Semi Annual at Bath and Body is like an important ev...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 12:08:00 PST

My Dad did a funny...

So this is my dad's attempt to be a bad ass!! haha ENJOY!!blowhole Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:24:00 PST

Something Missing...

I miss my mother. I say that at least once a day, but today I really miss her. Today would have been her 58th b-day. I wish she was still around, I wish that we (my dad and I and her) could all be out...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Tue, 01 May 2007 11:11:00 PST

An Apple computer is great when...

You don't have a problem. Let me just say, I love my computer. I really do, but seriously I can't afford it. So what I am trying to do just install Final Cut Pro. That's it that's all I want. I just w...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 02:05:00 PST

Drunk as hell but no throwin' up. Half way home and my pager's still blowin' up...

"I gotta say, Today was a good day" The immortal words of Ice Cube. Seriously, last night. Awesome b-day party!! Gotta give props to Chris, Michelle and Co. for putting on another fantastical extravag...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 11:36:00 PST

People Who I Fucking Hate

So today is the day before my last final... At 9:30pm I came into the Art Institute Lab to finish up the last of my Narrative final... btw THAT SUCKS!!! Everything about this project has been pissing ...
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:27:00 PST

Why can't I find my Jake Ryan

Really why does he not exist. He's so dreamy, and who doesn't love that he got Molly Ringwald's character Samantha a cake and sat on top the table in the most sickly sweet romantic high school moment....
Posted by Super Sarah Lizzy on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:57:00 PST