Heather ♥ Capri profile picture

Heather ♥ Capri

How long will you love what is worthless, and pursue a lie?

About Me

This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!
I work as a freelance web/graphic designer. I also record voice overs professionally. I'm the girl who tells you that your call is very important, and to please stay on the line for the next available representative.
Geek meet-ups and tech cocktails excite me. I have a decent collection of Web 2.0 t-shirts. Out of all of them, my Digg shirt is the coziest and fits the best! iminlikewithyou comes in at a close second.
I graduated as an enginerd from CU Boulder where all I really learned is that it takes a double-E to spell geek. *GO BUFFS!*
Shameless Plug:
Hey everyone! So, for those of you who don't know this already, I started a sweet website with Rachel and Nick called My space or yours? and we make lots of fun layouts and things for your profile... So if you like my layouts go steal 'em and put them on your page! And spread the love! ha! thanks...

My space or yours?

♣ Raise your hand if you look like Zelda...
i ♥ the following:
midnight running, kirupa, PEZ candy, scrabble, Jeremiah 29:11, moontans, cottage cheese, free wireless hotspots, being mistaken for my hott cousin shawna, devilled eggs, my atomic m:10 skis, CU Buffs, sudoku, Mega 95.7 *Latino & Proud!*, shoes, Ms. Pac Man, thrift stores, tennis, Joyce Meyer, eBay, cheez-its, my BFFs, pictures, roadtrips with Bill Braskie, body shop with tammy, yahtzee, my driver's license pic, JACKPOT PARTY!, snowboarding, foreign languages -- especially Español and Italiano, Hope In The Night radio with June Hunt, TETRIS, google, pilates OnDemand, and AAA.
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."
"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you..."
"My fire may not be large, but it is real and there will be some who can light their candle at its flame."
-A.W. Tozer
♥ • ♥ • ♥ • ♥ • ♥

My Interests

Voice Overs!
Demos & recent work

Easywash - Newsletter

Dior J'adore - Spanish

Pre-Season Football

Checkpoint Strikeforce

Jose Cuervo - English

Jose Cuervo - Spanish

My Space or Yours?

Making websites!

This is me.

I'm in like with you ♥ - ?

Facebook me!

My photostream!
heath r on flick r

Follow me on twitter!

I'd like to meet:

The question isn't WHO I'd like to meet, but WHERE I'd like to meet. And more specifically, My space or yours?

:]The 3rd Annual SXSW Hilton Lobby Olympic Backstroke Competition
Twister II Roller Coaster at Elitch Gardens


What's our musical compatibility?

On high-rotation on my iPod:

Maria Taylor , Mazzy Star, David Crowder Band, John Mayer, Mat Kearney , Azure Ray, Hello Kavita [formerly Kettle Black], Daniel Luthjohn , Sade, Hearts of Palm , Big Head Todd, Ely Guerra , Gorillaz, Band of Horses , Huey Lewis and the News, Y.O.U. , Dr. Medicali, Pinback , Jack Johnson, Madonna, Bitter:Sweet , Britney , Jimi Hendrix, Bebe , The Pierces , Avril Lavigne, Waterdeep , Michael Jackson, Tim Fagan , Feist, Plumb , Robbie Seay Band, Frou Frou, Blondfire [formerly Astaire], Stars , Rob Drabkin , Van Morrison, St. Germain , Ellary , Death Cab for Cutie, Lenny Kravitz, Butch Walker , Bob Dylan, Si*Se , Stevie Wonder, Shakira, Paulo Nutini , The Police


Swingers, Back to the Future, Dumb & Dumber, Office Space, Waiting for Guffman, Better Off Dead, Good Will Hunting, Hands on a Hard Body, Thelma & Louise, Best in Show


the creator of the universe. and his son.

My Blog

Root Canals & Valentine Candy

I went in to get my first root canal yesterday. The experience wouldn't have been so terrible had they not discovered mid-procedure that the infection had spread to a neighboring tooth, and that that...
Posted by Heather ♥ Capri on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 12:41:00 PST

Tessie wrote her school paper about me! *tear

This is so precious! Tess is my 12-year-old niece, and her mom just emailed me her school paper. I feel so honored :) Tess WarnerPeriod: 1Unit 15 Prompt2/1/07Everything is in My AuntI am going to writ...
Posted by Heather ♥ Capri on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 10:34:00 PST

Music Shuffle Survey!

          Music Shuffle Survey   Put your music player on shuffle.Put on all songs or just a play listPress forward for each question.Use the song ti...
Posted by Heather ♥ Capri on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:33:00 PST

The story behind the cockpit photo!

haha -- the cockpit story...it's a good one.I was flying home from Roatan, Honduras, and I had just boarded the plane and was getting situated in my seat. A flight attendant came back to my seat ...
Posted by Heather ♥ Capri on Thu, 18 May 2006 05:56:00 PST