About Me
June 1998 :On a hot summer day 4 friends were drinking some beers in their local pub. We were talking about punk, music and politics, as suddenly we all suggested the same idea. Start an "own" punk band, so that we could give "the masses" our vision about punk and politics in our own songs and music. We saw it as a way to temper our anger and frustration ( in fact it was just a good excuse to make some fun and to get our "necessary" doses alcohol ). However, R.A.T.S. was born. Our first line up : Marc on guitar, Carine as singer, for the drums we would try to contact a friend, and then we still needed a male singer and someone for the bass-guitar. Problem was that only me and my brother Dirk were left, and neither one of us had any "music-experiences". The decision was made by throwing the dices. Dirk will try to sing, and I had to learn to play on a bass-guitar.August 1998 :We still don't have somebody for the drums, but Hans joined the band as second bass-player.September 1998 :The bad news : Hans left the band after one month. "Too many other activities" he told us, but I think that I was already to good for him ( start laughing now, cause this is a joke ! ).
The good news : Wimpie, who's already playing in two other bands, is found prepared to help us. He will play the drums till we find someone else.November 1998 :A big day for R.A.T.S.. Already after 6 months we played our first gig. For that occasion we distributed a rehearsal-tape "R.A.T.S. Will Kick Your Arse !!!" with 6 of our songs to our "fans".May 1999 :It took almost more than a year, but finally we found someone for the drums. From now on PJ will beat the drums. We thank Wimpie for the time he spends with R.A.T.S..August 1999 :A "lost" RAT turns back to the nest. Hans will play distortion bass now.February 2000 :R.A.T.S. welcomes Bart. He will play second guitar.May 2000 :Another milestone in R.A.T.S. history. We're recording our first full CD "Revolt Against The System". 15 songs in 2 days. It was hard working and stressing ( what the fuck is "stress"). In spite of the fact that we all were "happy" with our "prestation", not everybody was set up with the "social behaviour" of some bandmembers. That was one of the reasons ( different music style was one of the others ) why Dirk decided to quit with R.A.T.S..June 2000 :After some "auditions" ( ha, ha, give me a break ), Ben joined the band as male singer.December 2000 :Troubles in paradise ! Marc and Carine decide to stop after some relation-problems. We showed understanding and respected their choice. We're happy for them that they're a happy family again, but we regret the way they treated us afterwards, because some "things" friends just don't do.February 2001 :Bart is leaving the band, but we can welcome Haike. From now on she will "scream" the female voice through the speakers. She will also introduce another sound into our music. She will buck up some of our songs by playing german flute.March 2001 :R.A.T.S. are back in the running with two "new" guitar players, Arne and Tim.June 2001 :Tim realized that punk is not exactly his "thing", and leaves the band for a reunion with his former "rock" band.February 2002 :Haike was giving the opportunity to sing in another band and she did accept the offer. For the second time R.A.T.S. is losing the "tits" in the band, but don't worry ( or just start to ) we still got the "balls", and that's what we're going to prove.April 2003 :R.A.T.S. are ready to record their second full CD "Voice Of The Voiceless". Thanks to Bruno we could record 19 numbers in 4 days ( not so bad if you know that we were 2 days to drunk to "concentrate" us on our "job" ).September 2003 :Arne, our guitarist since March 2001, is leaving R.A.T.S.. He told us that it was/is to hard to combine R.A.T.S. rehearsals with his life as a squatter and activist.Januari 2004 :Welcome back Haike. Still missing the "balls", but we're all jealous on the way she can "play" with her "flute".