*Dylins Mom* profile picture

*Dylins Mom*

Im so excited

About Me

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This profile was edited with FearKiller's Pimp MySpace 2.1

My Interests

This is me and my best friend Stacy She has been such a great friend threw all my trials. She has accepted me for who i am and when i fall she is there to pick me up!! She is one friend that i know will be there to the end and there after. Thx StacyThis is me and my honey matt. i love him so much!! He means the world to me. I dont think i could find any other man in this world that i could love any more than him. The way his hands feel on my skin i can not explain. I never met another man that was so touching as him. Each night he loves to cuddle and some times he wakes me up just to pull me closer to him. In the mornings he wakes me an hour early to spend time with me.I cherish those moments so much. Thx babyON SEPTEMBER 29TH I TOOK A PREGNANCY TEST AND GUESS WHAT THE RESULTS WERE ME AND MY HONEY MATT ARE GOING TO BE HAVING A BABY YEAP THATS RIGHT IM PREGANT. I NEVER THOUGHT THIS DAY WOULD REALLY COME BUT IT IS HERE. I WOULDNT HAVE WANTED ANY ONE ELSE TO MAKE THIS SPECIAL BABY WITH. I LOVE YOU MATT SO MUCH. YES IM SO SCARED,AFAID,EXCITED,TIRED AND ALL THE REST I GUESS YOU COULD FEEL WHEN A WOMAN FIRST FINDS OUT THAT SHE IS PREGNANT. WELL GOTS TO GO NOW TTYALL LATERS TONYA

I'd like to meet:

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I just want to say that i love life and all its struggles that come with it. Each day i wake up im so thankful for what God has done in my life. We do not know the time or the day that our time will come but it is not know by man. It will be so wonderful when we get to go to that place where there is no pain, hurt,sorrow or a time we will have to lose the ones we love. We will forever be in peace. For it is scarey to think of what is to come. I know at times we have asked ourselves is it really real? But i know it is because if any one has really ever set their mind to accept God you will have a new mind and eyes. You will be able to see the things that were unseen before and the battles that satin had put in your mind before is at once cleared away. So many people think oh i cant live my life and serve the lord becuz of all my screw ups. Thats a lie you can you just have to give it all to God and not carry so much on our selves. Thats the problem of the world we think we should figure things out on our own but God dont need our help. So all those worries in your mind let them go cuz after you give it to God it is all taken care of you may not see results right when you pray but i promise as long as you give it all to God in time you will see the results that are to come out of Gods will.STOP LETTING SATIN USE YOUR MIND AS A BATTLE FIELD IT ONLY FEEDS HIM INTO THINKING YOULL GIVE UP!!!!! I would like to that God for the man in my life i love him so much although we have our problems and i bitch about it sometimes to my friends i still love him so much. He has his ways but what man dont lol. An for those that turned their backs on me in the past and thought they could find better thx cuz im happy with my life and thx for looking the other way is all i gots to say.


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the notebook, the first date, the pacifier,etc This is my sissy ,her hubby and their sweet blessing from GOD

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I love to go to the movies im really not picky of what i watch. I do like The Notebook, Yours ours and mine, and etc. All that matters is who im with when i watching them.

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god. and jesus and all the people that made me who i am today

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My Blog

WHY IS IT?????

I just dont understand why it is when us women try to get a man to help around the house they some how come up missing for no apparent reason. Why is that? All week it feels i have just sit and talked...
Posted by tonya on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 04:47:00 PST

My Best Friend

I just want to say that i love God so much. Im so thankful that he has taken the time to work in my life. I know that i could not make it without him. In life we meet people and some become our friend...
Posted by tonya on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:37:00 PST

pretty but sad girl

Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everythingPretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were aboutThat's what you get for falling againYou can never get 'em out of your headIt's the w...
Posted by tonya on Sat, 27 May 2006 07:58:00 PST

i serve an almighty God Read it you wont regret taking the time to

Life is something that no human can define. we all live life as if theres something out there that would make us all happy. We all try to make alot of money. Try to have nice things. We search for tha...
Posted by tonya on Tue, 02 May 2006 08:05:00 PST

A womans love for a man

No man will ever be able to understand the love a woman can have for him. A womans love is so unconditional. When i fall in love it as if my world comes to a halt. That for just that short moment i am...
Posted by tonya on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 07:46:00 PST

A mother's love threw a Daughters eyes

 A mother's love can never be explained in words, although i am going to explain it the best way i can. As i was growing up i always heard of people losing their one or both of their parents. i n...
Posted by tonya on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 01:47:00 PST

My mom grew wings and went to a better place

1 year after my moms death.. I say: Why did you leave me when i still needed you here to help me.. why does it hurt so much when your not here to listen or ever hold me.. why is it that God took you a...
Posted by tonya on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 10:18:00 PST


we all search for a love so true,but yet we all forget to realize if we would stop searching out prince charming would come rescue us. Never take a take advantage of the one you love. ...
Posted by tonya on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 04:21:00 PST