About me Huh?
The Name Be Randy and The Last name Be Larin. I am 16. My favorite things to do are running, hiking, watching USC kick some Butt!, I so love hanging out with my two brothers...O-M-G!! They are the biggest dorks ever and I love them with all my Heart :], I am a 10th grader ( young, I know ), I run Xcountry, track, and I'm in JROTC, all of that is a lot of fun, but I rarely have time, Oh well, Shit happens right?..I've also learned to be an "IDGAF" kind of person, I don't usually get mad nor sad because of stupid things, or perhaps, Stupid people. I sometimes do it to people that care for me, and latter realize that I've screwed up, but that was my only kind of defense growing up, and It's a good thing cuz you see people being sad because this and that, Blah! get a life! Yes, granted everyone gets sad but make it worth your time. Hahaha =]....Hmm well I guess that's Me in a paragraph.
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