JenniferJealousy™[no phone] profile picture

JenniferJealousy™[no phone]

About Me

Hayden = best friend as of Friday July 3rd at 1:17 a.m.<3


My Interests


Member Since: 27/07/2008
Band Members: 14 more days<3
Click it<3 Message.
951-662-**** <---ask for theee rest(:
Total new about me<3 I'm a freshman at PVHS :/ I'm single..and no I don't want you, so don't try, unless I tell you I dig you. I would die without My Brother, Catey, and Hayden. One thing that I've learned the hard way was to not trust anyone but them three. I like going live on stickam, so just ask and well talk on there(: I can be really loud the first time you meet me, or super shy, and I hate that about me :/ NO second chances. I'm obsessed with texting and music. I dig the color purple<3 I'm very friendly, unless you cause me drama, then you suck<3 I like adding random people(: I smile and laugh aaa lot, more than I really should? I absolutely hate when people copy me. I like late night phone calls :P Wanna know anything else? Askkkkkk<3Live.Love.Die.
Someone I can honestly rely on. Best friend/ Big brotha/ Most important person in my life<3 I trust him with everything, hoping he never tells my parents, and he never lets me down. We hardly ever fight and when we do it's for the stupidest things. I remember when we were little everyday would be a fighting day :D He's the person that, if I was dying at this moment, he'd be the person I'd wanna see. He's so nice that it's crazy. I think his music kicks ass<3333333 (except for the slow as fuck breakdowns). He's fucking hilarious! No doubt about it(: Well I think he's a model..inside joke :D He's just an overall amazing person. From fighting as children to having a lot of things in common as teens, I hope we're the kind of brother and sister that keep in touch as adults and I just want you in my life forever<3
I love you Chunky Monkey:DDD

Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Remember when getting high meant swinging at the playground. The worst thing you could get from boys were cooties. Mom was your hero and dad was the guy you were going to marry. Your worst enemies w...
Posted by on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 15:53:00 GMT