Wutz Hood Interview
What is Wutz Hood?
Wutz Hood is a magazine dedicated to the development, creativity, nurturing, mentoring, and guidance of indie artists.
How will Wutz Hood take on such a task?
Well, all I can say for now is the above. There are so many people in this industry that mimic and bite off of others that Wutz Hood has to be kept secret until the release date. Many people who are currently trying to imitate the magazine already assume what the magazine will publish so they are in a rush to change their current strategy to try to be the leader in this industry.
Aren't you trying to do the same? Aren't you trying to be a leader?
No. What Wutz Hood will accomplish is truthfully help the indie artist. We will not mimic, imitate, copy, re-invent, re-purpose, and remix. We will "lead by example" in hopes that others will actually see what we are doing and join us by doing the same, but by creating their own ways to help the community.
Sounds interesting, but can you elaborate?
No. Not at this time. I can say, if you work in the field of entertainment, and you would like to sign up for the latest news, please feel free to join our mailing list.
Ok! Count me in! Are planning anything special for the release?
Yes! We will have a magazine release party. So make sure you sign up. You never know who might attend. ;-)
Where can the readers learn more about Wutz Hood?
They can join the "private" list or email magazine@ wutzhood.com. The Web site is currently under construction and will be launched on January 1, 2009.
Would you mind another interview updating the people on Wutz Hood?
I would love that. Contact me next month and we can setup an interview. By that time our campaigns will be rolling out in full force.
Thanks! And thank you for your time. I look forward to writing for Wutz Hood!
Thank you for the interview. It's greatly appreciated. Glad to have you aboard.
Ian Brown, Freelance Writer for Wutz Hood Magazine