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I am here for Friends

About Me

When I was about 10 years old my brother and I were shooting b-b guns in the front yard. We had a house back in the woods with a creek in the front. Now, I said we were shooting "guns" but we only had one Daisy multi-pump B-B gun which I rarely let the little guy touch. My Brother was just over 8 at the time but you could see the bad ass in him brewing. I took a few potshots at some squirrels and chimpmunks running around. It seems a bit cruel looking back but we had the full support and encouragement of our father. Ya see, chipmunks like to burrow tunnels underground and if you have a lot of them they will burrow under your house and eventually compromise the foundation of said house. At ten years old I didn't need an explanation however. All my Dad had to do was put the gun in my hand and say give 'em hell. My brother and I were dubbed Chipmunk Patrol right then and there. On this particular day there seemed to be a shortage of varmit to shoot at. As I stood in the gravel drive pumping the gun till it could pump no more I finally found a target that suited 8 year old brother. As he stood in front of me patiently waiting to get his chance to be a big kid, I pointed the gun at his stomach and preceeded to blast him at point blank range. The bb somehow made it through his Army camo jacket and under his skin. Suprisingly enough, he didn't shed a tear. But the look in his eyes made me realize that something had changed between us. 18 years later, that damn bb is still under his skin, reminding us of when we used to shine.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

This is actually what my bro "the Snee" wrote on his page but it since i can't compete with his wit...I intend to steal it:Lothar of the hill people, Blue Beard, and the Keebler Elves. Lothar can always get you out of trouble because, duh, he's a caveman, and they don't know better. Blue Beard has a sweet boat. And the Elves, well, not only would it be helarious to watch them get drunk and fight, you could have the best munchy binges.

My Blog

Bob Barker and newborn babies

Having a baby is pretty cool.  The room is really big, and spacious allowing for ample pacing room....I like to pace.  After 4 hours of pain my wife realized that drugs are awesome, and I wa...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Oct 2005 22:15:00 GMT